Oportunidad de Trabajo: Consultoría – Senior Program Manager

Accountability Lab (AL) México es parte de una red global translocal de 13 laboratorios alrededor del mundo, conformando un ecosistema que se especializa en fortalecer la rendición de cuentas y la participación cívica en contextos relevantes para las regiones donde estamos presentes. En AL México buscamos combatir la corrupción, fortalecer la transparencia, y fomentar el compromiso y la participación cívica por una democracia de y para todas las personas. Creemos en la tecnología cívica, los mecanismos de participación y el acceso a la información como medio para alcanzar este fin. Apostamos por crear una sociedad más equitativa e inclusiva a [...]

2025-01-07T08:18:06+00:0017th December 2024|

L’inclusivité en action : Le rôle du projet USAID Basiki ni Tagne Kunafoni dans la transformation de l’accès à l’information au Mali

Le Mali est plongé dans une grave crise sécuritaire et sociale depuis plus d'une décennie, où la désinformation est devenue un puissant facteur de perturbation, divisant les communautés par la peur et la méfiance. L'information se propageant plus rapidement que jamais, on ne saurait trop insister sur l'importance de garantir l'accès à des informations fiables et vérifiées. C'est dans ce contexte difficile que le projet USAID Basiki ni Tagne Kunafoni a été développé. Soutenu par l'USAID et exécuté par un consortium composé de Pact, Code for Africa et Accountability Lab Mali, le projet a pour objectif  d’apporter l'espoir d'un Mali [...]

2025-02-18T18:09:04+00:0017th December 2024|

Inclusivity in action: transforming information access in Mali

Mali has been entrenched in a severe security and social crisis for over a decade, where misinformation has emerged as a potent disruptor, dividing communities through fear and mistrust. As information spreads more rapidly than ever before, the importance of ensuring access to reliable, verifiable information cannot be overstated. It is within this challenging context that the USAID Basiki ni Tagne Kunafoni (BTK) project was conceived. Supported by USAID Mali and executed by a consortium led by Pact, including Code for Africa and Accountability Lab Mali, the BTK project brings hope for a more informed Mali. The Importance of the BTK Project The BTK [...]

2025-01-13T14:11:21+00:0017th December 2024|

Youth leading the way on open governance in Liberia

“Without the voices of young people—who make up the majority of the population—there can be no open governance.” Theo Dowetin, the European Partnership for Democracy team lead in Monrovia, could not have said it better at our recent OGP co-creation event with young people in Liberia. As the world seeks sustainable solutions to global challenges like climate change, poverty, and democratic regression, the inclusion of young people in decision-making has become more important than ever. When given voice and agency, young people bring fresh ideas and the energy needed to drive positive change and impact. In governance, this inclusion ensures [...]

2024-12-13T14:41:18+00:0013th December 2024|

Driving inclusive change in East Africa: Accountapreneurs’ collaborative approach to civic engagement

William Tolbert Nyabungu is a Community Development Worker with over 15 years of experience in civic engagement and social inclusion. He founded the Promoters of Social Inclusion (PSI) Foundation (Kenya). The PSI Foundation is collaborating with Noreen Asekenye, the founder of the Tell a Story Foundation. William and Noreen are Accountapreneurs who emerged from Accountability Lab's Incubator program—Noreen from the 2021 cohort and William from the 2022 cohort. Together, they are working on a project in Kenya focused on social transformation with an interest in civic education and awareness among the youth in Kenya.  Advancing inclusive education Established in 2018, the Tell [...]

2024-11-26T14:51:39+00:0026th November 2024|

Voice2Rep: Amplifying Advocacy and Good Governance Through Music

This article, shared by TASCK, highlights the impactful work of the Voice2Rep project, led by Accountability Lab, in promoting advocacy and good governance through music across Mali, Nigeria, Liberia, Zimbabwe, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Voice2Rep empowers emerging artists to use their musical talents to address critical social issues, such as transparency, civic engagement, and social justice. The initiative serves as a platform for young, undiscovered musicians to amplify their voices and advocate for meaningful change in their communities. Voice2Rep began in Nigeria in 2018 with the goal of mentoring young artists and equipping them with the skills necessary [...]

2024-10-15T08:08:14+00:0015th October 2024|

Action for Accountability champions environmental justice

This article, shared by GLOBE POST, highlights the inspiring work being done to promote environmental justice in South Africa through the Action for Accountability (A4A) project. Led by The Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, Accountability Lab South Africa, and the Public Service Accountability Monitor, the project brings communities together to tackle issues like wetland restoration and improving sanitation. The article shines a light on the important role of Civic Action Teams in driving these efforts, making a real difference in local communities. It also recaps the recent People’s Council event, where leaders came together to share ideas and collaborate on solutions for [...]

2024-09-05T12:36:08+00:005th September 2024|

Meeting Change: Resonant leadership in an evolving Nigeria

In 2023 Accountability Lab Nigeria made significant strides in advancing accountability in the country; collaborating with stakeholders, building power for citizens in local communities, and expanding their reach to enhance accountability in governance. We chatted with the Lab’s Country Director, Odeh Friday, about his journey to the Lab, the value of a translocal network, and the challenges of building sustainable local structures for accountability in a funding environment that favors quick wins. Before joining Accountability Lab, Odeh worked in direct aid response, delivering healthcare, livelihood, and other humanitarian services to communities in need. It was while delivering food aid to Internally [...]

2024-07-26T15:14:41+00:0026th July 2024|

Building a new accountability narrative in Liberia

From helping shape national conversations to using technology to bolster election integrity, AL Liberia's programs are focused on building accountability in diverse ways. We sat down with AL Liberia's Country Director, Lawrence Yealue, to better understand their deep civic engagement work. Voter education wins In 2023, AL Liberia had a clear mission: to equip Liberians with the knowledge and tools needed for a peaceful electoral process. Projects focused on civic and voter education across six strategic counties. Over 800,000 people were reached via community radio and we engaged a further 363,545 people via social media, amplifying messages of non-violence and [...]

2024-07-26T14:45:20+00:0017th July 2024|

Yuguelito: Housing, Self-Governance & Accountability

Access to decent housing is emerging as one of Mexico's significant global challenges. This is especially true after the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw increased speculation and a wave of global north digital nomads that favored the country's urban centers. However, the housing crisis is not a new issue. In Mexico, housing is deemed a private investment opportunity and not a right. Existing public policies aren’t focused on providing housing, but instead, they’re focused on favoring the real estate market. While it is true that decades ago, large social housing projects were put in place, and public policies focused on granting [...]

2024-06-27T11:46:33+00:0027th June 2024|
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