

2019 was a particularly busy year for AL Nepal as they crowned their latest set of Integrity Icons at a ceremony in Kathmandu following a successful national campaign involving 75 districts and 500 volunteers, who collected over 1,000 nominations. They continued to support the work of their previous Icons and expand the reach of our vision of integrity through the Integrity School, Fellowship and the Summits we hosted across the country. Their Civic Action Teams (formerly Citizen Helpdesks) are turning into a movement through which 500+ open government champions have joined them to close the feedback loop between citizens and [...]

2020-04-23T00:00:00+00:0023rd April 2020|

Catching People “Doing the Right Thing” in Mexico with the Bosch Alumni Network!

A few years ago, the Accountability Lab began a campaign called Integrity Icon. We were fed up with the constant stream of bad news around issues of corruption- that endlessly focused on the problem and the wrong-doers, without offering any solutions. Integrity Icon flips that narrative- by “naming and faming” honest government officials and celebrating them very publicly in a way that can lift up these role-models, rebuild trust and give citizens hope for a better future. The campaign has led to some fantastic results around the world- the public credibility that it provides along with the Lab’s ongoing guidance has allowed the [...]

2020-01-15T00:00:00+00:0015th January 2020|

Policeman, NAFDAC Official, Teacher Make Integrity Icons Shortlist

The award is a global campaign by Accountability Lab powered by citizens in search of honest government officials. BY SAHARAREPORTERS, NEW YORK – JAN 09, 2020 A policeman, CSP Francis Erhabor, has been shortlisted among five Nigerians as 2019 Integrity Icons. The award is a global campaign by Accountability Lab powered by citizens in search of honest government officials. The other four finalists include Tani Ali Nimlan, an official of the National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control; Tina Odinakachi Lirmdu, a lecturer at the University of Jos, Plateau State; Kacheilom Betram Roberts-Ndukwe, a teacher in a secondary school in Port Harcourt, [...]

2020-01-12T00:00:00+00:0012th January 2020|

Accountability Incubator Impact Report 2019 – Pakistan

The 2019 Accountability Incubator Impact Report for Pakistan is based on data collected from exit interviews conducted in March 2019 with accountapreneurs from both program cohorts in 2016 and 2017. Data was also collated from an impact survey conducted with both the 2018 and 2019 cohorts in July 2019. Out of 12 alumni, 6 people participated in our Exit interviews with a further 6 accountapreneneurs participating in our impact survey. The Accountability Incubator is a training and support program for young civil society leaders who have creative ideas for promoting accountability in their communities. Each year, Accountability Lab selects “accountapreneurs” [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:27+00:0021st October 2019|
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