Introducing Integrity Idol Nigeria!
August 3, 2017

By Odeh Friday, Country Director, Nigeria Integrity Idol is a global TV and radio campaign to “name and fame” honest government officials. Active in Nepal since 2014, Integrity Idol has now spread across the world and I am pleased to announce that we’ll soon be launching Integrity Idol Nigeria! The reach and impact of Integrity Idol so far have been incredible- we’ve put together an infographic below which explains the process and you can read more about the campaign in recent Guardian, CNN and NPR articles. Do you know an honest government official in Nigeria? Nominate them now at and reach out to me at: [email protected] for more information […]
By Odeh Friday, Country Director, Nigeria
Integrity Idol is a global TV and radio campaign to “name and fame” honest government officials. Active in Nepal since 2014, Integrity Idol has now spread across the world and I am pleased to announce that we’ll soon be launching Integrity Idol Nigeria! The reach and impact of Integrity Idol so far have been incredible- we’ve put together an infographic below which explains the process and you can read more about the campaign in recent Guardian, CNN and NPR articles. Do you know an honest government official in Nigeria? Nominate them now at and reach out to me at: [email protected] for more information or to get involved.
Let’s change the narrative about corruption in Nigeria- and name and fame honest government officials!
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