January 23, 2025
In recent years, there has been a noticeable global trend of democratic backsliding, characterized by restrictions on freedom of expression and association. Freedom House’s 2023 report underscores this decline, highlighting that marginalized groups, particularly LGBTQI+ communities, are often at the forefront of the erosion of democratic safeguards. There is a tangible connection between the rights of marginal communities (including LGBTQI+ rights) and the overall health of democracy. We should be concerned with the democratic decline, in particular how it is an intentional and strategic political maneuver, deliberately targeting marginalized groups in order to consolidate power. In this case, political […]
In recent years, there has been a noticeable global trend of democratic backsliding, characterized by restrictions on freedom of expression and association. Freedom House’s 2023 report underscores this decline, highlighting that marginalized groups, particularly LGBTQI+ communities, are often at the forefront of the erosion of democratic safeguards. There is a tangible connection between the rights of marginal communities (including LGBTQI+ rights) and the overall health of democracy. We should be concerned with the democratic decline, in particular how it is an intentional and strategic political maneuver, deliberately targeting marginalized groups in order to consolidate power. In this case, political scapegoating creates a common enemy out of LGBTQI+ communities, which not only polarizes societies but also undermines fundamental democratic safeguards like freedom of expression and association. As such, attacks on LGBTQI+ individuals are not isolated events but rather signals of a deliberate political process to undermine democracy.
The ILGA World Conference was held in Cape Town, South Africa in November 2024. During the Conference, delegates discussed the challenge of political scapegoating and how it can even lead to fragmentation within rights-based movements. Keeping in mind that there is an intentional movement to divide movements and erode trust, we are reminded of the necessity to build stronger intersectional networks. These networks expand beyond identity networks as a safeguard against further fragmentation, ensuring that a global rights movement can stand as a united front, collectively advocating for inclusive democracy. This includes recognizing the role of LGBTQI+ communities in civil society as pivotal participants in the democratic process, advocating not just for their own rights but for the protection and expansion of democratic freedoms for all.
Finding friends: the ‘moveable middle’
While the global north has made more gains when it comes to inclusive democracy and LGBTQI+ rights, these gains should not be taken for granted. Ulrika Westerlund (a representative of the Green Party in Sweden and a Member of Parliament since 2022) outlines the growing anti-rights movement in Sweden, and its impact on marginalized communities. She argues that we need to identify the moveable middle in our advocacy, identifying the individuals and groups who can potentially support our cause, but might lack the necessary information to identify what role they can play. “People are friendly, but they don’t have all the information they need to push for better decisions.”
Shared humanity: bringing information to life
Once we identify the moveable middle, we need to be strategic in terms of the information that is shared. When information is grounded in values and shared humanity, then there is an opportunity to shift public perception and policy towards more inclusive frameworks. This approach is crucial in countering the anti-rights narratives that have gained traction in various parts of the world, often supported by well-funded organizations pushing regressive agendas. This allows us to consider how anti-rights messaging is impacting everyone. Kutlwano Magashula (the Other Foundation) reflects on how cross-sector collaboration has opened up space for all citizens in Swaziland. LGBTQI+ organizing remains impossible in Swaziland, but queer activists have found that cross-sectoral collaboration beyond identities has the potential to increase collective bargaining power to promote social justice and inclusion.
Drag Night Namibia uses the art of drag as a political statement, but also as a tool to bring information to life. It reminds born-free Namibians that they should keep fighting for freedom. During the November 2024 elections, drag artists played an active role in ensuring that young Namibians were aware of how their vote could influence the future of the country. Voter with a VOICE is one such initiative, using drag as a modality to encourage young Namibians in local vernacular to make their voices heard.
“We need bridges”
Another critical link is to ensure that marginal communities are visible within governance processes. Tamara Adrián is the first transgender person elected to the Venezuelan National Assembly. Reflecting on her journey, she outlines how political engagement does not mean you will see automatic gains. However, if communities stay invisible, there will be no way to defend rights. Through building connections between political representatives, legislators, civil society, and citizens, we are able to strengthen inclusive and democratic networks. Elma Dienda (Namibian Member of Parliament for the Popular Democratic Movement) gives very practical advice for civil society activists during the opening plenary session at ILGA 2023.
“If you want to get an MP’s attention, look for individuals with whom you can work. Don’t try to speak to everyone. Ask yourself. Who is that MP that I can go to with my issue? Who speaks your language?”
For Elma, as a Member of Parliament, it is these personal conversations that helped shape her views. She is not part of the LGBTQI+ community, but as a religious person, she realized that humanity should ground her approach. Getting to know more individuals from the LGBTQI+ community helped shape her voice within Parliament to advocate for change. Salem Kabinda (Positive Vibes Namibia) echoes Elma’s statements, sharing how you can strengthen movements through framing rights as fundamental human rights, as a way to create space for parliamentarians to engage.
Support the champions
Sunil Babu Pant was the first openly gay Member of the Legislature-Parliament of Nepal. Looking back, Sunil appreciates how ordinary people supported him during this time. He also uses his experience working with Parliament to grow new champions. Sunil argues that young activists need to understand the policy space so that they can have lasting impact. The Victory Institute focuses on increasing the number, diversity and success of open LGBTQI+ elected officials at all levels of government. We also need to be aware of how scapegoating can affect allies. In Sweden, the Prime Minister was accused of supporting pedophilia by right-wing groups after attending a PRIDE event.
WinwithPRIDE presented at the ILGA 2024, reflecting on how political parties can benefit from reforming policies to include LGBTQI+ representatives. However, they also mention that young leaders often feel isolated. The core component is to support representatives to push for inclusive agendas by connecting them to individuals and groups within that space.
Significant barriers remain when it comes to the day-to-day lives, operations and visibility of LGBTQI+ individuals and organizations. Political scapegoating can drive further discrimination, fear of violence, lack of support, and exclusion from governance processes. This paper argues that the exclusion of any group based on sexual identities, can accelerate the decay of democratic safeguards for all. Everyone should be involved in governance processes, and governance should work for all. Despite these challenges outlined, there are clear pathways forward.
To ensure that our governance systems are grounded in humanity, shared values, and inclusion, we need to ensure that we strengthen cross-sectoral networks through local and indigenous activism. Our messaging should not only focus on informing, but we should be intentional in reaching allies, building cross-sectoral momentum based on shared values; rebuild trust; and support the champions. This multi-level drive is essential to counter political scapegoating, fostering a narrative of shared humanity and inclusion.