March 7, 2019

Accountability Lab’s Learning Report for 2018 shines a light on our progress outcomes from 2018 as well how we’re updating our Theory of Change. We also report back on how we’re improving our understanding of gender in our programming as well as what our staff reported about working for the Lab and how its impact is changing. We round up the report with some budget highlights for the year under review. Read the full report below. Learning Report 2018 Sheena Adams
Accountability Lab’s Learning Report for 2018 shines a light on our progress outcomes from 2018 as well how we’re updating our Theory of Change. We also report back on how we’re improving our understanding of gender in our programming as well as what our staff reported about working for the Lab and how its impact is changing. We round up the report with some budget highlights for the year under review. Read the full report below.