
The Long Game: Changing narratives and building ecosystems in Southern Africa

It was on the crest of a wave of change Zimbabwe was experiencing in 2020 that Dr McDonald Lewanika found himself ready to change tack. Years of direct non-violent action had done the backbreaking work of earning Zimbabwe a new constitution, and  other democratic concessions, while a military assisted transition had led to leadership changes at the top of the state and ruling party ticket.  It seemed a good time to find a process that matched the guarded optimism in the air.  “Over years of introspection, I had come to the conclusion that a lot of what we were doing [...]

2025-01-22T09:18:14+00:0022nd January 2025|

Reflections, insights, and lessons from implementing New Narratives for Accountability in Zimbabwe 

In 2020, when Accountability Lab considered working in Zimbabwe, partners, experts, and friends remarked that accountability work required a fresh approach to re-energize the sector after over two decades of solid governance and accountability civil society work. With our partners at Magamba, Kubatana, and others, we heeded this advice and co-created a program bringing together communities, academics, creatives, and development orthodoxy to build an accountability ecosystem. This approach looked at old problems with fresh eyes, fostering unusual partnerships, and novel approaches.  Our value-driven approach allowed us to support and reinforce existing networks rather than re-form them and to improve rather [...]

2024-09-12T08:06:32+00:0010th September 2024|

Residents ramp up fight against drug abuse

The article discusses efforts in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, to combat drug and substance abuse by encouraging residents to form task forces and neighborhood watch groups to identify and address drug-related issues in collaboration with law enforcement. It also highlights challenges faced by the government, such as budgetary constraints and inadequate infrastructure, in effectively addressing rising drug abuse cases. Residents in Bulawayo have been challenged to form taskforces to search houses they suspect to be drug havens in the presence of the police as their contribution to the fight against drug abuse. Bulawayo United Residents Association chairperson Winos Dube made the call [...]

2024-04-19T17:28:05+00:0019th April 2024|
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