
Citizen engagement in the fight against corruption – the C20 and the Italian G20 Presidency

Written by Jean Scrimgeour - 2021 co-chair of the C20 Anti-Corruption Working Group and Global Director of Growth and Strategy at Accountability Lab   The key aims of the Italian G20 Presidency were centred around three broad, interconnected pillars of action: People, Planet, and Prosperity. Within these pillars, there has been a focus on ensuring a swift international response to the pandemic through equitable, worldwide access to resources that can reduce inequality, ensure women’s empowerment, support young people, and protect the most vulnerable. Achieving these goals is impossible without directly confronting corruption, building accountability of governments and businesses, and supporting [...]

2021-10-21T11:43:27+00:0013th October 2021|

Youth engagement in policy making

Written by Momina Sahar International Youth Day is commemorated annually on August 12th to draw attention to issues concerning the youth and the fundamental causes of such issues. It provides an opportunity to raise awareness about youth engagement in political, cultural and legal issues and contributes to creating stronger and more inclusive communities. In a national context, this day is of immense importance to Pakistan considering a major portion of the total population consists of people ranging from the ages of 15 to 25. The youth of Pakistan are the critical juncture of Pakistan’s development. The country can capitalize on [...]

2021-10-08T09:13:46+00:008th October 2021|

LGBTQI+ enforcing their existence

The LGBTQI+ community is doing it for themselves, enforcing their rights and celebrating their existence. Deekay Sibanda takes a closer look.   September is national Pride month in South Africa. LGBTQI+ people commemorate the month by  organising different activities and events to celebrate their identity and the diversity of their community. Activities also raise awareness around the wide spectrum of injustices committed against LGBTQI+ people and to reclaim their rights.  In the past few months we have seen weekly reports covering stories of discrimination and hate crimes  members of the LGBTQI+ community have had to endure,  in response to their sexual [...]

2021-09-23T15:01:44+00:0023rd September 2021|

Corruption: Reward system introduced to promote integrity in public sector

Piqued by the high rate of corruption plaguing both the private and public sectors, a Civil Society Organisation, Accountability Lab Nigeria, has introduced what it called Integrity Icon Nigeria (IIN), a reward system to encourage sincerity in Nigeria. Its Country Director, Odeh Friday Odeh, while selecting the over 1000 entries across the country, added that the initiative would deodorize the public and private space for foreign investors to come in. Odeh explained that after the selection process, 5 persons would be selected, contacted and awarded on December 9th a day earmarked by the United Nations as the International Day for [...]

2021-08-25T13:08:25+00:0024th August 2021|

Communiqué du réseau Nigérien Anti-Corruption

La faiblesse des actions dans la lutte contre la corruption et les détournements de biens  publics menace les efforts de développement au Niger  Niamey le 09 aout 2021- L’application des bonnes pratiques en matière de gouvernance et de  lutte contre la corruption au Niger est une urgence pour consolider les efforts déployés dans la  lutte contre les maux qui minent la gestion des biens publics. Les récents rapports publiés sur  le Niger relèvent qu’il y a une nécessité absolue de mettre en branle les mécanismes adéquats  pour endiguer la corruption et la prédation des deniers publics qui ont tendance à [...]

2021-08-10T10:18:53+00:0010th August 2021|

Betting on local media to strengthen local democracy

Written by Raju Sharma The debate around democracy on a local level is marginalized in the media today. Everybody seems concerned with what the Prime Minister says but seldom puts focus on what the mayor of their local government thinks. It is against the backdrop of this absence of focus on local democracy that we see a rise of electoral dictatorship in the country. Constitutionally, we should be more concerned with what our local leaders are doing because their decisions affect our lives as much as the decisions taken by our national leaders - if not more. Our local leaders [...]

2021-06-29T17:17:25+00:0029th June 2021|

What does an effective, post-pandemic CSO look like?

As we enter the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, effective, collaborative civil society organizations (CSO) —which provide critical ideas, services, and advocacy efforts—have never been more essential. Over the past year, governments everywhere have used the global health crisis as an excuse to close civic space, restrict freedoms, and undermine liberties. By Blair Glencorse and Jean Scrimgeour The “quality of democracy, market economy, and governance” have declined to their lowest levels since 2004, according to the Bertelsman Stiftung. Freedom House maintains that democracy and respect for human rights have declined in 80 countries since the beginning of the pandemic. Equally, many CSOs have [...]

2022-02-12T09:04:31+00:0029th April 2021|

An assessment of current policy advocacy tools used by chambers of commerce in Pakistan

By Nida Qasim Khan Context: Accountability Lab Pakistan has worked with chambers of commerce in its recent Business Accountability Bootcamps, and in the process has gathered some insights into how they operate. Some of the key findings made were that they lack the advocacy tools that are required of a chamber of commerce, such as proper websites, updated social media channels, or a platform where they share press releases, minutes of their internal meetings, and other such details of their work. We understand at Accountability Lab Pakistan that chambers of commerce are the bridge between business communities and the government and [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:24+00:0031st March 2021|

ICPC pledges to sustain new ethics, integrity in fight against corruption

THE Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) says it will sustain the new National Ethics and Integrity Policy, which is geared towards changing many Nigerians’ mindsets and preventing them from engaging in corruption. The commission launched the new policy to reduce corruption in public and private spheres in Nigeria. ICPC spokesperson Azuka Ogugua made this known during a radio programme, ‘Public Conscience,’ produced by the Progressive Impact Organization for Community Development (PRIMORG) on Wednesday in Abuja. Ogugua, while reassuring that the sustainability of the policy was of paramount interest to the commission, disclosed that plans were on the [...]

2021-03-26T10:28:08+00:0025th March 2021|

Maverick Citizen: iKhaya eLitsha Hub — pathways to food security and dignity

In this article by the Daily Maverick Citizen, it's noted how community-led change and local action are too often stifled by the dominant accountability models. "New models of social accountability, built on trust, redistribution and horizontality rather than the usual bureaucratic checks and balances, are desperately needed," they say. In March 2020, when the president announced that South Africa would be going into a lockdown, a lot of uncertainty ensued. At the time I had just started working for a non-profit organisation that deals with sexual and reproductive health for adolescent girls and young women in the Klipfontein District. By [...]

2021-03-25T11:05:37+00:0025th March 2021|
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