
Super-Charging Accountability In Belize

Written by Blair Glencorse   If you are interested in governance in Belize, you’d be surprised at how difficult it is to find substantive information or networks. Most indices that measure these kinds of issues are not able to access sufficient data. There are several newspapers, but these are published weekly and the quality is variable. At the same time, while a civic infrastructure has developed around core priority sectors in the country- including the environment in particular- the community of organizations working on governance more directly is almost non-existent. This is problematic because it is clear- here, here and [...]

2022-12-15T09:37:24+00:0015th December 2022|

Deal with our ‘culture wars’ to combat democratic backsliding – President Obama

A lot of times those of us who are interested in democracy promotion have tried to wish away these so-called culture war questions. We like to focus on rules, law, policy and calculations” — President Barack Obama WASHINGTON D.C., DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA , UNITED STATES, November 18, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Keeping young people engaged in governance processes creatively to help prevent democratic backsliding was one of the key messages from Accountability Lab at the Democracy Forum in New York this week. Speaking on a panel with President Barack Obama, Country Director at Accountability Lab Mali Doussouba Konaté, said that democracy “on the streets” had [...]

2022-11-30T23:59:23+00:0018th November 2022|

How The US Can Support Democracy By Countering Disinformation In The Sahel

By Doussouba Konaté Instability in the Sahel is driven by disinformation. Alongside the growing militancy on the ground, there is a concurrent information war being fought to win the support of citizens. Jihadist groups spread anti-government and anti-foreign messages that find fertile ground in a region where governance has always been weak. Meanwhile, it is well known that state actors- primarily Russia- push disinformation in the region in order to undermine Western efforts to support democracy and good governance. This includes highly sophisticated efforts, derived from military psychological operations, to target and influence key sections of the population- and it [...]

2022-11-15T12:09:24+00:0015th November 2022|

President Biden is Hosting a Summit of African Leaders – Governance in the Sahel Must Be a Priority

By Doussouba Konaté BAMAKO, Nov 11 2022 (IPS) - The upcoming Africa Leaders’ Summit– slated to take place in Washington, DC in December- is well-timed. The Biden administration has made a welcome and significant push over the past two years to support democracy, anti-corruption and peace-building around the world- and in Africa in particular. From the Summit for Democracy to the new Sub-Saharan Africa and Countering Corruption strategies- policies and practices within the US government have shifted in ways that can support much needed reforms across the continent. It is in the Sahel where many of the biggest challenges remain- and these should be a priority during the [...]

2022-11-14T09:59:43+00:0013th November 2022|

Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms in Balochistan

In the words of Stephen Covey, “Accountability breeds response-ability.” This stands true at an individual as well as governmental level. When governments are accountable to their people,  they are more responsive to the needs of the people. When we talk of democracy, the government's financial accountability is undoubtedly a fundamental and distinctive aspect of parliamentary oversight. In the public's best interest, the government must disclose, defend, and justify its policies and actions before the legislature. This oversight needs to be complemented by state mechanisms to ensure accountability and responsiveness. It requires a framework through which government departments can be held [...]

2022-11-14T09:17:47+00:008th November 2022|

Eva Sander: Guerrera digital

Eva Sander siempre se distinguió por alzar la voz y no quedarse de brazos cruzados, a raíz de un desastre natural tomó el activismo en serio y encabezó un movimiento en redes. Nacida en Ciudad de México, pero criada en Monterrey y egresada por la UDEM en la carrera de Estudios Internacionales, Eva Sander tiene ya un amplio recorrido en su labor, muy de la mano de la tecnología. Hoy, está100 por ciento comprometida con los movimientos de bien común y se distingue por ser una emprendedora social. Está a cargo de Accountability Lab en México, un reto que la mantiene [...]

2022-11-20T22:46:32+00:001st November 2022|

Lack of inclusive governance fuelling insecurity – NGO’s allege

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have claimed that the lack of inclusion and collective governance mechanisms which have caused grievances among Nigerians for years led to the state of insecurity in the country. The NGOs made this known on Saturday in Abuja at the Summit for Democracy Roundtable organised by Save the Children International (SCI) in partnership with Accountability Lab. Speaking at the event, the Strategic Communications Manager for Accountability Lab Nigerian Office, Mr. Suleiman Murkthar said now more than ever, young children and youths should take a stand in matters that concern national interest and how they shape the nation. He [...]

2022-10-27T09:17:56+00:0023rd October 2022|

Collaborative approach to deal with effects of fake news and disinformation on freedom of expression

In an event arranged at the National Press Club by Accountability Lab speakers discussed the key drivers and impacts of fake news and disinformation on society and especially on youth. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, Dean, Social Sciences Department, International Islamic University, Islamabad; Ms. Zill e Huma, Deputy Director at the Press Information Department, Iftikhar Sherazi, Bureau Chief, Dawn News and Dr. Sadia Kamal, who is senior journalist and former vice president of the NPC, were among the key speakers. The event was attended by representatives from local media, civil society and students from various academic institutions. In her opening remarks Dr. [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:16+00:0019th October 2022|

Read Accountability Lab’s draft strategy for 2023-2026

We're releasing our draft Strategy for 2023-2026 for public comment. Please take a read and then let us know how you would change or improve some of our goals in this form. Over the past decade, we have experimented, learned, and tested, and now that we have significant buy-in for our work, we are scaling up our efforts as the new way to work within the accountability field. We’d appreciate your comments and suggestions here. We aim to finalize and release this new strategy before the end of November, 2022.   Highlights Accountability Lab makes governance work for people. We [...]

2022-09-26T17:23:50+00:0026th September 2022|

‘Nigeria needs law to protect digital rights’

A civil society, Accountability Lab Nigeria has said there is a need for the country to evolve a law to protect digital rights. The organisation called on the Federal Government to work with the National Assembly to ensure the passage of the Digital Rights and Freedom Bill. It argued that a law that protects digital rights was pertinent to the nation’s progress. This is even as the organisation also asked the two arms of government to gazette the Nigerian Data Protection Regulation (NDPR) to make it enforceable and part of the Nigerian law. Communication Manager, Accountability Lab Nigeria, Murkthar Suleiman, stated [...]

2022-10-27T09:44:42+00:0023rd September 2022|
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