
Fighting corruption by ‘naming and faming’ with Integrity Idol

Watch Accountability Lab's Executive Director, Blair Glencorse, speak at TEDx MidAtlantic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgY1FuEmBF4 Blair Glencorse argues that the best way to stop corruption is not by shaming, but rather by supporting and rewarding those doing the right thing. He helped create Integrity Idol, which aims to generate debate around the idea of integrity and demonstrate the importance of honesty, personal responsibility and accountability as well as inspire a new generation to be more effective public servants. Integrity Idol is currently taking place in Liberia, Nepal and Pakistan. Blair Glencorse founded and runs the Accountability Lab, an organization that is redefining how [...]

2015-12-22T00:00:00+00:0022nd December 2015|

Opening Government through Business in Pakistan

By: Blair Glencorse, Hammad Siddiqui and Fayyaz Yaseen. This blog post was originally published by the Open Government Partnership.  “We support open government not just because it is good for business but because is central to human rights and dignity” concluded a leading member of the Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry at the recent Open Government Partnership (OGP) meeting in Pakistan. With an attitude like this, it is easy to see why the movement for transparency and accountability is gathering pace across the country; and with Pakistan now eligible, there is a real push to join the OGP. The meeting- [...]

2020-03-03T16:03:48+00:007th December 2015|

Profiles in Public Integrity: Lawrence Yealue

By: Lawrence Yealue. This blog post was originally published by Columbia Law School’s Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity (CAPI). Lawrence Yealue is the West Africa Representative of Accountability Lab, an incubator for local-level integrity initiatives with an emphasis on generating sustainable development. Based in Monrovia, Liberia, Yealue’s career has centered on community-driven approaches to responsible reform. His previous work includes serving as Electoral Commissioner for the Liberian Student Association-Ghana, National Coordinator for the World Youth Spirit Council, Project Director for the Rotary Club of Wisconsin, and as a volunteer for Africa Peace’s HIV/AIDS Education & Peace Initiative. Yealue also founded and directs [...]

2020-03-03T16:02:52+00:009th November 2015|

My experience at the IACC Tech Hub

By: Fayyaz Yaseen, Accountability Lab Pakistan Country Representative. This blog post was originally published by IACC. In attendance for the Accountability Lab at this year’s International Anti-Corruption Conference, I was struck by the level of innovation present among the attendees. In times gone by, thinking of the word ‘innovation’ conjured images of grey-haired scientists, strenuously working in complex laboratories with huge administrative support. Today we think more about dynamic and colourful visions of youth – and for me, this vision came to life as I sat amongst youth groups in a joint brainstorming session at the IACC. The ability to cross-pollinate [...]

2015-10-09T00:00:00+00:009th October 2015|

What happens when you get 1,200 anti-corruption activists in a room?

 By: Blair Glencorse, Executive Director There was plenty of irony in the fact that Transparency International’s (TI) flagship meeting- the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC)- took place in Malaysia last week during the largest ever protests against corruption in the country’s history. The Prime Minister perhaps sensibly stayed away from the meeting in the end, but Jose Ugaz, the President of TI, certainly wasn’t going to let him get away that easily, asking publicly in the opening session: “Who paid the money and why? Where did it go?” This set the tone- there was a refreshing directness and focus at the [...]

2015-09-08T00:00:00+00:008th September 2015|

Integrity Gets Great Ratings

Integrity Gets Great Ratings How Nepalis harnessed the power of reality TV to strike a blow against corruption. BY BLAIR GLENCORSE, SUMAN PARAJULI. Originally published in Foreign Policy. To Gyan Mani Nepal, the newly appointed head of education in Panchthar, a small and beautiful corner of far eastern Nepal, the situation in his school district was a depressing reminder of his own youth. Teacher absenteeism was as high as 90 percent; those who did come to work often showed up drunk. Others shook principals down for bribes just to come to their jobs. Schools were regularly shut down by political [...]

2015-07-09T00:00:00+00:009th July 2015|

Building Business Through Trust in Africa

By Blair Glencorse. Originally published on the GE Ideas Lab Blog. Blair Glencorse, Founder and Executive Director, The Accountability Lab, USA; Global Agenda Council on Transparency & Anti-Corruption at the World Economic Forum on Africa 2015 in Cape Town. Copyright by World Economic Forum / Jakob Polacsek There is no doubt that Africa’s success deserves to be recognized and celebrated. At the recent World Economic Forum on Africa, much was made of Africa’s clear and well-documented progress. FDI in the continent has more than tripled in the past 15 years for example, while GDP is expected to rise by over [...]

2015-06-22T00:00:00+00:0022nd June 2015|

Shaking Up the Status Quo in Nepal

Shaking Up the Status Quo in Nepal By BLAIR GLENCORSE and SUJEEV SHAKYA. Originally Published in the New York Times.   “Ke garne?” an old lady said to us, tears pouring down her cheeks, as we visited her earthquake-battered village in the Dhading district of Nepal last month: “What to do?” With a history of repeated crises — political, economic and natural — it has become the Nepali way to shrug one’s shoulders and hope for the best. Sadly, people have been hoping for a long time: even before the earthquakes, Nepal was one of the poorest, most corrupt and least [...]

2015-06-01T00:00:00+00:001st June 2015|

5 Things We Learned at the Global Innovation Competition 2015

By: Narayan Adhikari, South Asia Representative, and Fayyaz Yaseen, Pakistan Ambassador, for the Accountability Lab. Last month, Narayan and Fayyaz took part in the finals of the Global Innovation Competition (GIC) 2015. In this blog, originally published by Making All Voices Count, they reflect on the GIC process, the people they met, and the lessons learned.  Narayan Adhikari and Fayyaz Yaseen from Accountability Lab Hundreds of individuals and organisations from around the world applied to Making All Voices Count’s Global Innovation Competition, and we were thrilled to be one of the ten selected finalists to take part in the week long mentorship and pitching programme in [...]

2015-05-04T00:00:00+00:004th May 2015|

Can filmmaking help achieve development goals?

Blair Glencorse of the Accountability Lab discusses the importance of community-driven development and how filmmaking can engage people in accountability goals. Many organizations and development professionals have found that reaching initial benchmarks is sometimes easier than sustaining them. However, with clear goals, development progress can be sustained in the long-run. According to Blair Glencorse of the Accountability Lab, setting goals that are context-specific is critical. The Accountability Lab, he says, meets “people where they are, not where we want them to be,” and takes into consideration the varying levels of literacy, numeracy, and other practical skills of their clients when designing a program. [...]

2015-04-15T00:00:00+00:0015th April 2015|
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