
A Vision for the Future for AL Zimbabwe

By Nosikelelo Ndlovu  Accountability Lab Zimbabwe powered through a complex programming year in 2022 with the government proposing the Private Voluntary Organizations (PVO) Bill, described by experts as a threat to civil society operations. The country is also actively gearing up for elections scheduled for early 2023. However, the year also presented opportunities for us to improve our work, particularly with increased responsiveness and willingness to engage with communities by political leaders seeking re-election. In true Lab style, AL Zimbabwe conducted regular reflection sessions to continuously learn from monitoring data and critical insights in ways that allowed us to adapt [...]

2023-02-09T11:55:01+00:009th February 2023|

Global #tech4good lessons from HackCorruption

Accountability Lab is running HackCorruption, a hybrid tech-for-good project, with support from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement at the U.S. Department of State, in partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise. The project identifies and supports talented individuals from the civic tech, CSO, and activist arenas, to build innovative solutions to combat corruption. Our first HackCorruption event brought 100 participants from six Southern and East African countries to Johannesburg, South Africa, for a three-day event.  The program has also been rolled out by Accountability Lab Nigeria, with support from NORAD, SIDA, UNDP Nigeria, and in partnership [...]

2023-01-27T06:25:10+00:0020th January 2023|

Accountability Lab Has a New Strategy! Here’s a Summary of Our Priorities for 2023-2026.

Written by Blair Glencorse   How Did We Develop The New Strategy? Accountability Lab began over a decade ago as an effort to support local change-makers within specific communities to develop creative ideas around governance issues. Our growth has been exciting- and we are now a global translocal network of Labs that is building an eco-system for accountability around the world. Despite all of the ups and downs of the past ten years, our vision remains the same as it has always been, because it is ever more important- a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone [...]

2023-01-18T06:53:13+00:0017th January 2023|

Making The Translocal Network Real: The Junior Staff Council

Written by Alawi Masud As a primarily youth focused organization, Accountability Lab understands that junior level staff bring critical perspectives on our work,  provide important support to projects, and fuel innovation and connectivity. But as with many organizations that have many staff working on a variety of issues across 11 geographies, there is always room to better engage our teams. In order to provide a more formal space for junior staff all around the world to to build interpersonal relationships, support each other’s work, learn from one another, and connect with senior Accountability Lab staff, AL developed the Junior Staff [...]

2023-01-16T12:44:01+00:0016th January 2023|

CSOs seek citizens’ participation in purposeful governance

By Bertram Nwannekanma Civil Society Organisations (CSO) in the country, have called for citizens’ participation in ensuring purposeful governance and leadership in Nigeria ahead of 2023 election. The groups, which unveiled Nigeria’s Citizen’Scenario, a projection into the possible developmental trajectory of the country leading to its centenary in 2060, tagged, ‘CS60,’ stressed that the quality and integrity of the 2023 General Elections in Nigeria would lay a foundation for future elections in the country. Unveiling the CS60 at a virtual news conference monitored in Lagos, the CSOs identified four scenarios that described the picture of Nigeria’s developmental trajectory, which depends largely on the [...]

2023-01-18T12:01:15+00:0014th January 2023|

Super-Charging Accountability In Belize

Written by Blair Glencorse   If you are interested in governance in Belize, you’d be surprised at how difficult it is to find substantive information or networks. Most indices that measure these kinds of issues are not able to access sufficient data. There are several newspapers, but these are published weekly and the quality is variable. At the same time, while a civic infrastructure has developed around core priority sectors in the country- including the environment in particular- the community of organizations working on governance more directly is almost non-existent. This is problematic because it is clear- here, here and [...]

2022-12-15T09:37:24+00:0015th December 2022|

Mali: Accountability Lab Country Director, Doussouba Konaté, honored following her visit to the Obama Foundation Democracy Forum

Accountability Lab Mali's Country Director, Ms. Doussouba Konaté, shared a panel with former US President Barack Obama on November 17, 2022 in Washington as part of the Obama Foundation's Democracy Forum. On December 8, 2022, a press lunch was organized in his honor by Accountability Lab Mali. During this lunch, the press and other guests were entitled to the intervention of Doussouba Konaté in English. Very comfortable and with a great knowledge of the realities that undermine Africa, particularly the Sahel, Doussouba Konaté succeeded in convincing the former American president, Barack Obama, and all the participants of the Forum, who have several [...]

2022-12-14T10:20:56+00:0014th December 2022|

Threats to democracy: The Perspective of the Country Director of Accountability-Lab

As part of its mission of civic education in the field of democracy and good governance, the management of the NGO Accountability-Lab organized, on December 8, 2022, a press lunch around the thorny question of democratic values ​​in the mali. The meeting moderated by the country director of Accountability Lab Mali, Ms. Djitteye Doussouba Konaté, was an opportunity for her to make a restitution of her participation, last November, in the forum on democracy of the “Obama Foundation” . Ms. Djitteye, who took part in this forum, on behalf of her country, Malian youth, and her organization Accountability-Lab, moderated a panel during [...]

2022-12-14T10:14:43+00:009th December 2022|

Come say ‘hi’ at the IACC!

Accountability Lab will be at the International Anti-Corruption Conference in Washington DC next week. If you're around, we'd love to be in touch! We will be travelling with a group of Nigerian nonprofit leaders this year thanks to support from the MacArthur Foundation. Our delegation includes Nigerian Country Director Odeh Friday, Global Director of Learning Cheri-Leigh Erasmus, Executive Director Blair Glencorse, Connected Development's Hamzat Lawal, the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development's  Tobi Oluwatola, Transparency International Nigeria's Auwal Ibrahim Musa, the Nigerian Women's Trust Fund's Mufuliat Dasola Fijabi, journalist Chido Onumah and Soji Apampa from The Convention on Business Integrity. We'll [...]

2022-12-05T19:54:34+00:001st December 2022|

Fact Sheet: Summit for Democracy: Progress in the Year of Action

During the “Year of Action” following the first Summit for Democracy in December 2021, the United States and over 100 partner governments around the world have taken meaningful steps to build more resilient democracies, combat corruption, and defend human rights. Summit participants have undertaken important pro-democracy reforms at home, contributed to impactful multilateral initiatives, and worked together to resist authoritarian aggression, including Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified war against Ukraine. President Biden is pleased to announce that on March 29-30, 2023, he will co-host the second Summit for Democracy with the leaders of Costa Rica, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, and the [...]

2022-12-14T09:47:38+00:0029th November 2022|
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