
Announcing the 2023 International Corruption Hunters Alliance Forum Youth Delegation

Written by Katie Fuhs and Zeina Walet Next month, front-line anti-corruption actors will gather at the Fifth International Corruption Hunters Alliance (ICHA) Forum in Abidjan to share their knowledge and experiences of the challenges, risks, and opportunities for advancing anti-corruption efforts. To ensure a diversity of generational perspectives, the World Bank Group has asked Accountability Lab to put together a youth delegation that will participate and present their ideas at the Forum.  To that end, the Lab is happy to present the 2023 ICHA Youth Delegation. From investigators to creatives, this group of 19 youth delegates from 14 countries across [...]

2023-06-14T07:07:18+00:002nd June 2023|

HEDA Partners with AMAC to Promote Open Government Partnership in Nigeria

The Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA Resource Centre) has partnered with Abuja Municipal Area Council to engage stakeholders towards Open Government Partnership (OGP), as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance governance and combat corruption in Nigeria. The workshop organised by AMAC with support of HEDA and MacArthur foundation was aimed at raising awareness about the OGP and to develop an action plan to ensure the implementation of the Abuja Municipal Area Council’s (AMAC) OGP commitment. The Open Government Partnership is a multinational initiative aimed at securing tangible commitments from national and sub-national governments to foster open government practices, [...]

2023-05-30T06:41:42+00:0030th May 2023|

Countering fake news major responsibility of youth: experts

ISLAMABAD: Speakers at a seminar on Tuesday said countering fake news and disinformation was the prime responsibility of the youth. They showed serious concerns over the rising trend of fake news and urged the government to take immediate steps to tackle the complex issue. They said efforts should also be made to counter misinformation and fake news through educational interventions. The seminar ‘Impact of fake news and disinformation on the upcoming general election in Pakistan’ was organised by a think-tank, Accountability Lab, at Islamic International University Islamabad (IIUI). Speakers included digital media expert Waqas Naeem, Zile Huma, Director Election Commission [...]

2023-06-06T17:56:28+00:0030th May 2023|

ZEC Petitioned Over Exorbitant Candidate Nomination Fees

Seven Civic Society Organizations (CSOs) have petitioned the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), demanding an immediate revision of the exorbitant candidate nomination fees. The nomination fees, as per Statutory Instrument 144 of 2022, currently stand at US$20,000 for presidential candidates, payable in cash or the prevailing official rate equivalent and candidates for Parliament must pay US$1,000, while Proportional Representation party lists for Parliament and Provincial Councils are requested to pay US$100. The CSOs argue that the current fees pose a significant barrier to political participation, particularly for marginalized groups such as young people, women, and persons with disabilities. "We demand that, [...]

2023-05-30T09:34:59+00:0025th May 2023|

GOL, UNDP Launch Growth Accelerator Liberia Phase III Applications

MONROVIA – It was a room filled with optimism and sense of accomplishment when the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ministry of Commerce launched phase III of the Growth Accelerator project. The Growth Accelerator Liberia is a business and agricultural cooperative accelerator, targeting impactful and innovative ventures and cooperatives in Liberia. It assists post-revenue businesses and cooperatives in scaling and growing with a combination of co-financing grants, mentorship, and technical assistance. It is a UNDP and Government of Liberia initiative under the Livelihood and Employment Creation project implemented by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. As the third [...]

2023-05-25T09:45:15+00:0025th May 2023|

The vital role of young people in governance processes

The Citizens Summit in Defense of Democracy and Freedom in Lusaka, Zambia, shed light on a crucial message: the active involvement of young people in governance processes is imperative for Africa's success and prosperity. As echoed by summit participants, including political leaders, civil society representatives, and young activists, the strongest and most consistent takeaway from the event was the recognition that the youth hold the key to Africa's future. Written by Kibo Ngowi   “Young people continue to demand a seat at the table when it comes to discussions on democracy and the future of the continent. It is not [...]

2023-04-30T06:06:11+00:0030th April 2023|

Plus de redevabilité pour bâtir un Mali meilleur

Par Zeina Mohamed Ali Récemment AL Mali Lab a organisé une journée de réflexion pour s’approprier la stratégie globale du Lab et dégager une feuille de route pour identifier ce que l’on peut faire pour mieux s'orienter en prenant en compte le contexte  Malien.  En effet, cette journée de réflexion initiée le jeudi 16 février dernier a permis au personnel de AL Mali d'élaborer sa propre stratégie en prenant en compte les grands axes stratégiques déclinés dans la stratégie globale. Cette stratégie nous permettra de structurer nos domaines d’intervention sur les trois prochaines années de 2023 à 2026. Au cours [...]

2023-04-26T08:13:40+00:0025th April 2023|

Tackling transparency in tender procurement

Written by Kibo Ngowi CMD Transparency, a team of innovative young minds from Zambia, has developed a groundbreaking solution to combat corruption in the tender procurement process. The team consists of Chief Operations Officer Nathan Chisanga, Chief Financial Officer Kunda Sakala, and Chief Technology Officer Samuel Wakumelo, all of whom are fourth year computer science students in Zambia’s capital Lusaka.  They developed their solution during HackCorruption, a tech4good hackathon organized by Accountability Lab in collaboration with the Center for International Private Enterprise and the U.S. Department of State: Bureau of International Narcotics & Law Enforcement (INL) in July 2022. The [...]

2023-04-17T14:18:00+00:0017th April 2023|

Recognizing online GBV as a real and present threat for women

Written by Sheena Adams Gender-based violence online has reached crisis proportions and more sustained work is needed to hold technology companies accountable for their role in technology-assisted GBV. This was one of the key takeouts yesterday from a Summit for Democracy Day Zero side event hosted by the US Department of State. Panelists included Sandra Pepera, Director of Gender, Women and Democracy at the National Democratic Institute; Phumzile van Damme, former MP in South Africa; Kristina Wilfore, Co-Founder of #ShePersisted; and Desiree Cormier Smith, US Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice. Speakers agreed that solutions demanded an intersectional approach, [...]

2023-03-29T01:38:56+00:0029th March 2023|

Day 2: The Citizens’ Summit in Defense of Democracy & Freedom in Zambia

Written by Kibo Ngowi "We demand that all governments that have put in place restrictive CSO laws roll them back immediately as there is no place in democratic societies for laws that undermine fundamental freedoms." The Citizens' Summit for Democracy & Freedom took place this week in Lusaka, Zambia. One of the outcomes of this summit is a communiqué containing essential resolutions on youth engagement in democratic processes and spaces, media freedom and free expression, civic and democratic space, as well as elections and electoral practice. Read it here. The summit provided a platform for African civil society actors to [...]

2023-04-06T10:44:20+00:0028th March 2023|
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