
What’s democracy without citizen participation?

This article presented by Grocott's Mail discusses the ongoing challenges in achieving meaningful citizen participation and accountability within South Africa's local municipalities, focusing on the case study of Makhanda. It highlights initiatives like the Action for Accountability project and the role of organizations like the Public Service Accountability Monitor in promoting civic engagement and addressing governance issues. It has been three decades since the dawn of democracy in South Africa, yet gaps between communities and government remain a talking point. The apartheid administration brought the blatant exclusive participation in governance, forcefully silencing a large portion of the population. However, the [...]

2024-09-05T10:01:58+00:0019th April 2024|

Three diverse days of our Integrity Innovation Lab in Belize

We recently collaborated with the Love Foundation, the Ministry of Public Service, and the US Embassy to organize an integrity training and friend-raiser event in Belize. The event was designed to equip participants with essential skills and strategies to promote good governance and accountability in Belize. The training was led by Jaco Roets, Programs and Learning Manager at Accountability Lab, and brought together a diverse group of participants, including accountapreneurs, government reformers, and mentors. According to Jaco, the training program aimed to promote the principles of good governance, policies, and project management. "Networking is not just about giving a quick [...]

2024-04-23T16:14:20+00:0016th April 2024|

APPEL A CANDIDATURE Bourse des Artistes-Activistes du Voice2Rep

Accountability Lab met la gouvernance au service des citoyens du monde entier en soutenant les citoyens actifs, les dirigeants responsables et les institutions responsables. Nous ré-imaginons la manière de renforcer la redevabilité pour soutenir un monde dans lequel les ressources sont utilisées de manière judicieuse, les décisions profitent à tous de manière équitable et les gens mènent une vie sûre.  Les Labs sont des entités indépendantes et constituées en un réseau translocal avec des bureaux dans 11 pays à travers le monde. Nous disposons d’une équipe de plus de 100 personnes dans ces différents pays, qui sont liées par un [...]

2024-04-19T16:31:25+00:0022nd March 2024|

HackCorruption Malaysia – our most feasible ideas

We've wrapped our fourth regional #HackCorruption event in Malaysia and are excited to introduce our winning teams. Participants in Kuala Lumpur pitched prototypes ranging from reforming procurement processes to helping citizens monitor climate finance. In April, we'll head to Jakarta, Indonesia, for a boot camp where the teams will build out these prototypes. The winning teams from HackCorruption Malaysia include OpenBO, Voices4Budget, Carbonitor, Integrity Eyes, and Land Looters. The program, supported by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement at the U.S. Department of State and the USAID Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development, aims to support talented [...]

2024-04-19T16:31:49+00:0014th March 2024|

Collective CSO action critical for climate justice

Increased climate funding requires a focus on existing governance challenges resulting from a fragmented and opaque climate finance architecture. Growing evidence shows climate finance does not reach communities most impacted by climate change. When projects make their way to the communities, they do not include local voices in decision-making processes.  Civil society has been a critical player advocating for the most vulnerable communities and has been instrumental in driving local, regional, and global climate action. Despite setbacks and slow response from governments, it has been able to rally around common agendas demanding an end to fossil fuel, debt relief to [...]

2024-04-19T16:32:32+00:005th March 2024|

Innovative anti-corruption solutions pitched at HackCorruption Malaysia

Our HackCorruption Malaysia teams have pitched a diverse range of tech solutions in Kuala Lumpur, addressing challenges in climate finance accountability and public procurement, among others. This regional hackathon marks another milestone in the HackCorruption journey, following impactful events in South Africa, Nepal and Colombia. The program, supported by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement at the U.S. Department of State and the USAID Countering Transnational Corruption Grand Challenge for Development, aims to support talented individuals from civic tech, CSO, and activist backgrounds. The Malaysian regional hackathon brought together changemakers from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand to collaborate and innovate. The Lab is implementing HackCorruption in partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise and Development Gateway,

2024-04-19T16:28:56+00:0029th February 2024|

Unlocking Queer voices in South Africa

Queer Voices Unlocked (QVU) is inspired by Accountability Lab’s Integrity Icon campaign, honoring exemplary public servants by naming and faming them. QVU spotlights exceptional LGBTQI+ public servants championing positive change, breaking down barriers, and advocating for inclusivity. Celebrating their unwavering commitment to Queer rights, these role models tirelessly work towards visibility and representation at all levels of the public service. Our five winners, spanning diverse government departments, are featured in documentary films and podcasts. Led by and for the Queer community, this project aims to inspire people, foster understanding, and promote LGBTQI+ rights, leading to a more inclusive society. Why [...]

2024-04-19T16:35:13+00:0028th February 2024|

Job opportunity for a Global Communications and Marketing Officer

Accountability Lab is an agile and collectively managed civil society network. We make governance work for people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions. Our goal is a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives. We train, mentor and resource citizens to strengthen systems of accountability in order to unleash positive social and economic change. Accountability Lab is looking for a creative and multilingual Communications and Marketing Officer to support its work and activities globally.  The Role We are looking for a meticulous team player who is passionate about [...]

2024-12-17T19:20:59+00:0023rd January 2024|

Apply Now for AL Nigeria’s Media Fellowship

Accountability Lab Nigeria's Media Fellowship is a 6-month fellowship program for passionate media professionals seeking to make impact through creative storytelling and a community of narrative-builders to strengthen accountability- highlighting the importance of ethics, integrity, and responsible leadership in Nigeria. The objective of the media fellowship is to use the power of storytelling to raise awareness and stimulate positive conversations on traditional and social media. Applications close on 10th February 2024. Apply here - https://bit.ly/48X4aj3

2024-04-19T16:40:43+00:0020th January 2024|

From Local Visionaries to Global Changemakers: The Evolution of Accountability Incubator and Civic Charge

By Kibo Ngowi The Accountability Incubator emerged out of a vision to train and support young people with innovative ideas around accountability, participation and open government to build sustainable, effective tools for change. In the decade that AL has run the Incubator, we've had more than 300 accountapreneurs from over a dozen countries go through the program. The initiatives we’ve supported run the gamut from integrity watch groups at primary schools; to building networks of music artists pushing for integrity; to tools using blockchain to secure elections.  AL Programs & Learning Manager Jaco Roets has been at the forefront of [...]

2024-04-19T16:40:09+00:0015th January 2024|
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