
Coalición NL Abierto lanza consulta pública para cocrear el Plan de Gobierno Abierto

Eduardo Mendieta San Pedro Garza García La Coalición Nuevo León Abierto, conformado, entre otros, por el Gobierno del Estado y los municipios de San Pedro, construirá el Primer Plan de Acción Local de Gobierno Abierto 2022-2024, para impulsar la rendición de cuentas y la transparencia. Da Ivonne Álvarez informe de labores; presume gestión de voto electrónico para diputados Para ellos se lanzó una consulta pública que estará disponible del 1 al 15 de septiembre del 2022 en los diferentes canales oficiales de las instituciones que integran la coalición, así como en la plataforma web oficial de la coalición: nlabierto.org Durante el pasado mes de mayo se anunció [...]

2022-12-01T00:29:24+00:001st September 2022|

Ways to commit to democracy in Nepal

Nepal needs an essential internal effort to drive reforms that are well overdue. Narayan Adhikari and Blair Glencorse take a closer look Last month, the Nepal government released its written commitments as part of the United States government-led Summit for Democracy—an effort to bolster and renew democratic action globally during a period of significant challenges for democracies around the world. While American influence in Nepal is certainly not uncontroversial—as we have seen with the renewed protests related to the Millennium Challenge Corporation agreement recently—in a broader sense the S4D, as it is known, and the “Year of Action” it has now precipitated are an extraordinary opportunity [...]

2022-08-26T12:11:13+00:0026th August 2022|

Groups meet FSRC, police, seek road ethics reform

The Accountability Lab Nigeria, in conjunction with the Akin Fadeyi Foundation, on Thursday, held a roundtable discussion on road ethics reform with the Federal Road Safety Corps, at the Federal Capital Territory Sector Command in Abuja. Present at the occasion focused on improving road behaviours of drivers and security officials that would lead to reducing corrupt practices on roads, were officials of the FRSC, police officers, officials of the National Union of Road Transport Workers, and some driving school instructors. The Country Director, Accountability Lab Nigeria, Odeh Friday, stressed that Nigerian road users could improve on their road usage ethics [...]

2022-09-07T07:37:11+00:0025th August 2022|

HackCorruption announces 5 winning ideas to combat corruption through emerging technologies

WASHINGTON D.C., DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES, August 8, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- HackCorruption, a people-powered hackathon to unearth anti-corruption solutions, is proud to announce the winners from the inaugural event in Johannesburg, South Africa. Accountability Lab (AL) and the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) hosted 100 virtual and in-person participants for the innovative Tech4Good event between July 22 and 24. After a competitive judging process, five teams have been named as overall winners with solutions that addressed a lack of transparency in public procurement processes and established creative whistleblowing platforms and open data dashboards. The winning teams include Angaza, TransProcure, [...]

2022-08-23T09:02:25+00:005th August 2022|

Doussouba Konaté appointed as interim Country Director for Accountability Lab Mali

Washington DC, 5 August 2022 - We’re proud to announce that Doussouba Konaté has been appointed as the interim Country Director for Accountability Lab Mali. Doussouba has been an essential part of the Lab’s global family for four years, having first joined in 2018 as a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Officer for AL Mali and Niger. She later joined the AL Global team in 2020 as a Program Officer, supporting the programming in Mali, Niger, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Guinea-Bissau. Doussouba holds a Master's Degree in International Relations from the University of Montreal and returned to Mali after many [...]

2022-08-05T12:52:10+00:005th August 2022|

The gender gap and economic participation of women in Pakistan

Pakistan presently ranks among the worst countries in the world in terms of gender parity, only performing better than Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan. According to the "Global Gender Gap Report 2021" published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Pakistan ranked 153rd out of 156 countries on the gender parity index. Pakistan also ranked 7th among eight countries in South Asia, only doing better than Afghanistan. AL Pakistan accountapreneur, Syeda Yumna Hasny, takes a closer look.   Pakistan's gender gap has widened by 0.7 percentage points in just one year. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), Pakistan ranked 153rd in [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:17+00:0029th July 2022|

Five Things We’re Doing To Fight Back Against Closing Civic Space In West Africa

By Kibo Ngowi West Africa is a rich and diverse part of the world-spanning 16 countries and boasting an estimated population of close to 400 million people. Accountability Lab has deep roots in the region, having established our second network Lab in Liberia back in 2013, only a year after the organization’s birth in Nepal. We’ve since opened more Labs in Niger, Nigeria and Mali and with the support of Observatório da Democracia e Governança we’ve rolled out our Virtual Incubator program in Guinea-Bissau as well. These efforts are a response to the governance and stability challenges in the region [...]

2022-07-06T11:02:58+00:004th July 2022|

The World Is Melting Down and the Cause is Corruption- The G20 Needs to Take Action

By Blair Glencorse and Sanjeeta Pant The G20 needs to strengthen regulatory authorities across its membership and expand sanctions for violating Anti-Money Laundering requirements. The G20 is meeting again next week in Indonesia for the second time this year- at a moment when the world is facing the most difficult economic, political and social challenges for decades. At their core, these problems are driven by corruption- from the “weaponization” of graft by Russia in Ukraine to the lack of regulation of the enablers of corruption in G20 countries such as the UK. This malfeasance costs lives and livelihoods- and is directly responsible for everything [...]

2022-07-15T13:27:56+00:001st July 2022|

Call for Proposals: Action for Accountability (A4A) Situational Analysis and Baseline Report

The Action for Accountability (A4A) project is a project co-funded by the European Union and implemented by the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, Accountability Lab South Africa and the Public Service Accountability Monitor. The project team is looking to commission a consultant(s) to carry out a baseline study to inform its implementation of the Action for Accountability program and to track its progress. Action for Accountability (A4A) is aimed at enhancing public service accountability and good governance in South Africa through citizen-led action for greater transparency and deepened public participation. The proposed rights-based action responds to the contemporary dynamics of the accountability [...]

2022-07-15T13:31:17+00:0027th June 2022|

The PVO Bill is a Step Backwards for Zimbabwean Women

By Alois Nyamazana, Accountability Lab Zimbabwe Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Manager “Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development, and building good governance.” – Kofi Annan On 5 November 2021, the Government of Zimbabwe announced its intentions to change the existing Private Voluntary Organisations (PVO) Act to discourage money laundering and prevent non-state actors from “politicizing charitable giving.” If passed into law in its current form, the Private Voluntary Organizations Amendment Bill, H.B. 10, 2001 will have negative implications on gender development in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has [...]

2022-06-21T14:24:10+00:0021st June 2022|
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