
President Sirleaf Calls for Accountable, Responsible, Professional Media

President Sirleaf making remarks at the Media Law and Regulatory Conference in Monrovia. Photo Credit: James M.Garresen / Executive Mansion This article was originally published by the Executive Mansion. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has opened a Two-Day “Media Law and Regulatory Reform Stakeholders’ Conference in Monrovia According to an Executive Mansion release, the two-day conference is being organized at the behest of Internews (Liberia Media Development Program) in partnership with Albany Associates of the UK, the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and Accountability Lab aimed at leading the media law and regulatory reform agenda of a democratically transitioning [...]

2016-05-10T00:00:00+00:0010th May 2016|

Accountability Lab Honored as Brown Democracy Medal Finalist

This article was originally published by Penn State News. The McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Penn State is pleased to announce that the Electoral Integrity Project has been selected as the winner of the 2016 Brown Democracy Medal. The Electoral Integrity Project has established a set of criteria with which to evaluate the integrity of elections. Employing scholars and observers, both international and domestic, it shows precisely where a nation is falling short of international standards, and what it needs to do to improve its elections, and thereby its democracy. There were three finalists this year for the Brown Medal. [...]

2016-05-05T00:00:00+00:005th May 2016|

Ideas for Future Work on Transparency and Accountability

By: Blair Glencorse, Executive Director, Accountability Lab. This article was originally published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, in a collection of twenty think pieces by leading scholars and activists on the future of the transparency and accountability movement, commissioned by the Transparency and Accountability Initiative (T/AI) and curated and edited by Thomas Carothers.  Getting Closer to the Ground Progress in the field of transparency and accountability has been patchy. Funders have focused largely on transparency (and to a lesser extent accountability), and the associated efforts around open government. This has been valuable—transparent information should provide the basis for more effective policymaking and [...]

2016-05-02T00:00:00+00:002nd May 2016|

One Year On: Learning from Feedback After the Earthquake in Nepal

By: Marc Maxmeister, GlobalGiving Innovation Consultant; Narayan Adhikari, Accountability Lab Nepal Country Representative, and Pranav Budhathoki, Local Interventions Group Executive Director. This blog post was originally published on GlobalGiving's Tools + Training blog. Accountability Lab is a recipient of our 2015 Feedback Fund. Recently they shared these insights with us. In April of 2015, twin earthquakes in Nepal killed over 8,000 people and displaced almost 3 million more. Accountability Lab and Local Interventions Group mobilized our youth networks into what we called Mobile Citizen Helpdesks. These helpdesks of 5 to 10 volunteers worked with communities across the 14 worst affected districts to gather immediate feedback from [...]

2016-04-27T00:00:00+00:0027th April 2016|

How politics got in the way of needed Nepal earthquake relief

One year ago, the first of two massive earthquakes ripped through Nepal, killing more than 8,000 people. Some $4 billion of assistance was pledged to the rebuilding effort, but political gridlock and corruption have left the displaced survivors to largely fend for themselves. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports in partnership with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. HARI SREENIVASAN: But, first, one year ago today, a massive earthquake shook Nepal, killing more than 8,000 people. Some $4 billion dollars of assistance was pledged, but the rebuilding has been hampered by rugged conditions, poverty, and politics. Special correspondent Fred [...]

2016-04-25T00:00:00+00:0025th April 2016|

One Year On: Responding to Disaster in Nepal with Echoing Green

  By: Blair Glencorse, founder of Accountability Lab, and Pranav Budhathoki, founder of Local Interventions Group, are Echoing Green Fellows working in Nepal. Follow their work on Twitter: @accountlab and @LIGintl. This article was originally published by HuffPost Impact.   Like so many others in Nepal, Butti Gyalbo Taamangni suffered heartbreak after the devastating twin earthquakes that struck the Himalayan country last April, which killed over 8,000 people and displaced almost 3 million more. She lost her husband during the first quake, a loss compounded by two other critical problems. He was the only wage-earner in the family, so her income [...]

2016-04-21T00:00:00+00:0021st April 2016|

One year later, rebuilding lags in quake-hit Nepal – aid groups

By: Sebastien Malo. This blog post was originally published by Thomson Reuters Foundation. A year after a deadly earthquake flattened cities and villages in Nepal, rebuilding efforts must be speeded up to lift millions of survivors out of misery, aid groups said on Wednesday. Reconstruction is just getting underway in many areas of the tiny Himalayan nation, and some three million people are living in temporary shelters with tarpaulin roofs, according to Save the Children, CARE International and others. The earthquake that struck on April 25, 2015 killed some 9,000 people and injured more than 22,000 others, according to the [...]

2016-04-21T00:00:00+00:0021st April 2016|

Victims unhappy with sluggish pace of reconstruction process: Survey

This article was originally published by Republica. Quake victims, who lost their homes, properties and relatives in the earthquake last year, have expressed dissatisfaction with the government's handling of reconstruction process. As per a survey among quake-hit communities, majority of respondents said they were unhappy with the sluggish pace of the reconstruction process and blamed the government of having unclear plans. The survey, which was conducted among 795 communities in the 14 worst quake-hit districts, showed that 54 percent of the victims expressed dissatisfaction over the delayed in reconstruction process. The study also shows that 81 percent of the people [...]

2016-04-20T00:00:00+00:0020th April 2016|

What’s the Best Way to Encourage Business Integrity?

By: Blair Glencorse, Executive Director of Accountability Lab. This blog post was originally published by GE Reports. To achieve accountability, businesses need to foster a culture of integrity. In recent years, significant efforts have been made to create global rules to prevent businesses from taking part in corruption, from the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK’s Bribery Act to the UN Convention Against Corruption. This is continuing to gain interest among policy makers, including the G8 and G20, while additional frameworks are being put in place to prevent tax evasion and related activities through which corporate interests can undermine the public [...]

2016-04-06T00:00:00+00:006th April 2016|

Democracy that Delivers Podcast: Accountability Lab’s Blair Glencorse Talks About a Youth Movement for Integrity

By: CIPE Staff. This blog post was originally published on the CIPE Development Blog. In this week’s podcast, Executive Director of the Accountability Lab (@accountlab) Blair Glencorse talks about why accountability is important and how his organization is building a generational movement for integrity. Glencorse discusses youth-driven approaches to building accountability and transparency in governance, using technology and popular culture to engage youth, and how the highly popular Integrity Idol television show celebrates honest government officials in Nepal. Listen to the podcast here.  

2016-04-05T00:00:00+00:005th April 2016|
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