
Building an eco-system: why it matters

By Ory Okolloh A few months ago, we (Luminate) gathered our Nigeria-based investees in Lagos for two and a half days of learning, connecting, and networking.  We are increasingly focused on how we can support organisations we fund to build their “inner muscle” as it were in order to not just continue to be impactful but to be around for the long run, especially in an environment where they face multiple challenges from a shrinking civic space in which to do their work to a growing to-do list to limited funding options to the fatigue that comes along with the daily [...]

2019-09-10T00:00:00+00:0010th September 2019|

Accountability Lab at the World Economic Forum on Africa

CAPE TOWN, 4 September - Accountability Lab Director Blair Glencorse will participate in two panels at the World Economic Forum on Africa in Cape Town on Thursday, September 5. Both themes are resonant to South Africa today - ‘New Solutions to Tackle Corruption’ and ‘Justice by Design’. Technology is understandably a significant theme again at WEF and its role in addressing corruption is under the spotlight. The first panel (1.30pm SAST, CTICC2, xChange) looks at innovative tech solutions to prevent, detect and prosecute corruption, and increase transparency. "Technology too often becomes the goal - we need to step back, understand [...]

2019-09-04T00:00:00+00:004th September 2019|

‘Conspicuous integrity’ can change national perceptions of graft

By Shirin Ahlhauser Transparency International's CPI may not be perfect, but the perception of corruption in a country matters. As one study found, if you go to a country where you expect corruption, and someone solicits a bribe from you, you are more likely to give the bribe. The reverse is also true. If you go to a country that you do not think of as corrupt, and someone solicits a bribe from you, you are less likely to pay the bribe. When social expectations of corruption become internalized, bribery and corruption are perpetuated, and could even become unconsciously perpetuated, based on perceptions of corruption [...]

2019-08-19T00:00:00+00:0019th August 2019|

Accountability Lab Executive Director Appointed to World Bank Advisory Council

Washington DC, August 8 - Accountability Lab is pleased to announce the appointment of its Executive Director, Blair Glencorse, to the World Bank’s Expert Advisory Council on Citizen Engagement. Blair joins Mai E’leimat, Co-founder of the Al Hayat Center for Civil Society Development in Jordan, as the two civil society members on the new advisory council. The new members begin their three-year term on September 1. A statement from the Bank acknowledged the critical role played by citizens in “advocating and helping to make public institutions more transparent, accountable and effective” and in contributing “innovative solutions to complex development challenges”. [...]

2019-08-08T00:00:00+00:008th August 2019|

Luther Jeke Announced as New Obama Foundation African Leader

Monrovia – July 4, 2019, Luther Jeke announced that he is among its second cohort of Obama Foundation African Leaders, 200 rising leaders from 45 countries around the continent who will convene in Johannesburg July 10-14 and participate in a year-long leadership development program. Luther is the Manager of iCampus, Liberia's first shared innovation, co-working and community space for organizations and individuals focusing on the intersection of technology, accountability and social change in Liberia. He has eight years of experience in the Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) sector. Luther is a member of the 2019 class of the Obama Foundation Leaders: [...]

2019-07-04T00:00:00+00:004th July 2019|

Learning as we grow

We view reflection and course-correction as fundamental to our organizational development at the Lab. As a part of our team learning mechanism, Accountability Lab Nepal introduced quarterly reviews (QR) to reflect on the impact of our programs. Soni Khanal explains how the Nepal team is conducting these reviews   These quarterly reviews (QR) provide a platform for the team to evaluate their work, timeline, individual and team responsibilities and also identify gaps on both human and financial resources. They also assist in collecting feedback for improvements, identifying results and impact, and enhancing critical thinking among the team members. The learnings from [...]

2019-06-12T00:00:00+00:0012th June 2019|

Building the Future podcast with the Lab’s director Blair Glencorse

Blair talks about the origins of Accountability Lab and how it's scaling its various programs to help create a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives. https://soundcloud.com/buildingthefuture/ep-343-w-blair-glencorse-founder-executive-director-of-accountability-lab

2019-03-27T00:00:00+00:0027th March 2019|
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