
Gender, outreach and accountability – the Lab’s 2018 Learning Report

Accountability Lab's Learning Report for 2018 shines a light on our progress outcomes from 2018 as well how we’re updating our Theory of Change. We also report back on how we’re improving our understanding of gender in our programming as well as what our staff reported about working for the Lab and how its impact is changing. We round up the report with some budget highlights for the year under review. Read the full report below. Learning Report 2018

2019-03-07T00:00:00+00:007th March 2019|

Building iCampus’ sustainability and impact through learning and sharing with the Open Gov Hub, Washington DC

By Luther Jeke, iCampus Manager In the summer of 2016, iCampus signed on as the second affiliate hub with the Open Gov Hub in Washington, DC after the first sister hub was established in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2014 by Accountability Lab. These global affiliate hubs have been established in recognition of the value of the sustainable hub social enterprise model to both help civil society organizations operate more efficiently and build collaborative communities for greater impact. And while our team has worked hard to get iCampus off to a great start (building an initial community, and embedding collaborative learning activities [...]

2018-12-11T00:00:00+00:0011th December 2018|

How to create a positive feedback loop between citizens and government? It’s not easy.

By Alisa Zomer The original blog post can be found on MIT/GOVLAB's website. We took a look at Accountability Lab’s Citizen Helpdesks in Nepal to understand how the project is working on the ground. A returned migrant worker stands up to speak at a community meeting in the ward chairman’s office. It takes him a minute to find his voice —his experience working abroad was bad, but talking about it is another form of hardship. Social stigma often silences overseas workers from Nepal, who are ashamed to admit what they went through, and how they were tricked into unsafe, sometimes [...]

2018-11-08T00:00:00+00:008th November 2018|
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