
Celebrating Successful Women; Leveraging Failure for Success

“A key component of wisdom is fearlessness … which is not the absence of fear, but rather not letting our fears get in the way…. So very often the difference between success and failure is perseverance. It’s how long can we keep going until success happens? It’s getting up one more time than we fall down.”  - Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of Huffington Post  Recognizing failure is an essential part of our learning journey. We conduct Fail Faire events as a celebration of fail stories and how we can learn from them. In March, our Fail Faire focused on [...]

2020-07-07T19:14:20+00:0019th May 2020|

Countering coronavirus – here’s what we’re up to at the Lab

Like every other organization globally, we’re working hard to adapt in the face of the unprecedented public health and economic crisis we now face. Of course, our plans for the next 2-3 months, and possibly longer, have now been transformed dramatically- and we are working with our teams to find the right ways forward. Here’s what we’ve done operationally: Guidance- provided detailed guidance to all staff on ways forward during the pandemic including advice on adapting policies, regulating behaviors, providing emotional support and re-thinking approaches and programs. We have also shared this guidance in a variety of fora online, and [...]

2020-03-25T00:00:00+00:0025th March 2020|

Communautés de pratique au Niger

Dans le cadre des activités Lien et Apprentissage du programme Voice au Niger, s’est tenu le 29 janvier 2020 au complexe le MAFE, l’atelier de création des communautés de pratique entre les organisations partenaires de Voice au Niger et d’autres locales ayant les mêmes thématiques d’impact que Voice. Par Adamou Oumarou L’atelier de création de communautés de pratique est une activité du lien et apprentissage, l’objectif est d’organiser les organisations locales en réseau pour discuter, échanger, apprendre et trouver ensemble des solutions face aux problèmes ou défis qu’ils rencontrent dans leurs activités quotidiennes. Cet atelier a commencé par un exercice [...]

2020-02-17T00:00:00+00:0017th February 2020|

We Have a New Strategy; Here’s Where We Fell Short on the Last One

You may have read the first in our three-part series of strategy blogs yesterday in which we highlighted the key areas of our new 2020-2023 strategy, including the focus on growing our campaigns, building knowledge and bringing together communities. We explained that these three elements of our work - as outlined in our Theory of Action - now provide what we feel is a mutually reinforcing approach to supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions. Our new strategy emerged from a collective process of introspection and reflection around what we tried to do previously, where we came up short [...]

2020-01-29T00:00:00+00:0029th January 2020|

Our New Strategy as a Process Not an Output

This is the third in our series of blogs on our new strategy. Read the first on where we’re headed in the new strategy here; and the second on what we did not achieve in our last strategy and what that means for us going forwards here. By Blair Glencorse. The content of a strategy is important, and a nice shiny new strategy document is potentially a useful output, but not if it is only going to gather dust on a bookshelf or be used as a doorstop. Through our process we have become even more convinced that a strategy [...]

2020-01-29T00:00:00+00:0029th January 2020|

Storytelling and Advocacy: Listening to Where the Story Goes

There are many ways to tell a story. It is important to be mindful of the story within the story, and this starts with the origin: Who is telling the story and how is it told? Then, we must ask: Is it organically cultivated and told with unfiltered authenticity, or is it extracted and stitched together for a certain purpose? And what are the best ways to practice storytelling as a channel for advocacy? These were some of the questions shaping a workshop was facilitated by Michael Jarvis of the Transparency and Accountability Initiative (TAI). Four lightning talks drawing on [...]

2020-01-15T00:00:00+00:0015th January 2020|

Disinformation, Fake News and Integrity Icon

The world was a different place when we launched our Integrity Icon campaign five years ago. If we think of changes in everything from political leadership to cultural or social trends - the things we were supporting, reading or listening to in 2014 are probably not the same today. Integrity Icon was even known as Integrity Idol - and functioned in a different space.  These trends have been top-of-mind for us due to recent incidents that have tested the Lab’s processes. By Global Communications Director Sheena Adams   The Integrity Icon campaign begins with public nominations early in the year and [...]

2019-11-27T00:00:00+00:0027th November 2019|

Decapitalizing the ‘F’ in filmmaker…

Documentaries can generate some of the most enriching experiences in any form of filmmaking. You wrap your hands around a camera and the world opens in front of you to be recorded, beautified, chiselled and then seen and interrogated by various pairs of curious new eyes. Tsogo Kupa takes a closer look at the impact of documentary filmmaking It’s easy to be seduced by the camera; to wilfully turn a blind side to ethics because you feel, as the filmmaker, that a certain shot needs to be in your film, because that’s your ultimate priority: a film. So, as blasphemous [...]

2019-11-05T00:00:00+00:005th November 2019|

Community Building with Frontier Incubators

Accountability Lab Pakistan is an initiative to support youth, civil society activists and social entrepreneurs working around promoting transparency, accountability and responsible citizenship. Through this bottom-up approach, our work supports these leaders to create social awareness, transparency and responsibility among the citizens of Pakistan.  The Lab’s Accountability Incubator was thrilled to be selected as one of the participants of the Frontier Incubators virtual cohort for 2019, an Australian Aid initiative of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s innovationXchange. A total of twelve organisations from all over the Asia-Pacific region were selected to participate in the virtual component of the [...]

2022-11-10T06:46:29+00:0021st October 2019|

Applications open for Team Nigeria’s SDG16 Innovation Challenge

The SDG16 innovation challenge is an initiative to find creative solutions for SDG16. The competition supports young men and women ages 15 – 35 years to develop ideas, build skills and connect with others working towards a shared goal of strengthening accountability, the rule of law and access to justice for Nigerians. Applicants are invited to fill out our online application form here. The SDG16 innovation competition focuses on four thematic areas (or research questions). The program design is focused on human-centered activities which will focus on engaging participants actively to foster a more holistic understanding of issues around accountability, [...]

2019-10-21T00:00:00+00:0021st October 2019|
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