
Yuguelito: Housing, Self-Governance & Accountability

Access to decent housing is emerging as one of Mexico's significant global challenges. This is especially true after the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw increased speculation and a wave of global north digital nomads that favored the country's urban centers. However, the housing crisis is not a new issue. In Mexico, housing is deemed a private investment opportunity and not a right. Existing public policies aren’t focused on providing housing, but instead, they’re focused on favoring the real estate market. While it is true that decades ago, large social housing projects were put in place, and public policies focused on granting [...]

2024-06-27T11:46:33+00:0027th June 2024|

Yuguelito: Vivienda, Autogestión y Rendición de Cuentas

El acceso a una vivienda digna se perfila como uno de los grandes retos del futuro en México y el mundo, especialmente tras la pandemia COVID-19, en la que lo que ya se pronosticaba para el mercado inmobiliario, ocurrió de forma acelerada por el incremento de, entre otros factores, la especulación y la ola de nómadas digitales del norte global que favorecieron el proceso de gentrificación de los centros urbanos del país. Pero la crisis de la vivienda no es nueva en un país donde las políticas públicas existentes no están centradas en el derecho a la vivienda, sino que [...]

2024-06-27T10:51:08+00:0027th June 2024|

Launching the HackCorruption Alumni Network: A Journey of Growth and Adaptation

By Alawi Masud & Khadijah Chang Over the past six months, we have established the HackCorruption Alumni Network to connect people who leverage and create civic tech. Although we are beginning our network-building journey, reaching the six-month mark allows us to reflect on our progress and share our lessons. Why an Alumni Network? HackCorruption is a project dedicated to creating and supporting tools and ecosystems that counter corruption and make governance more accessible. Our experience implementing HackCorruption across Southern and East Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and most recently, Southeast Asia has shown us the passion and dedication of participants [...]

2024-06-27T09:51:37+00:0010th June 2024|

Residents ramp up fight against drug abuse

The article discusses efforts in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, to combat drug and substance abuse by encouraging residents to form task forces and neighborhood watch groups to identify and address drug-related issues in collaboration with law enforcement. It also highlights challenges faced by the government, such as budgetary constraints and inadequate infrastructure, in effectively addressing rising drug abuse cases. Residents in Bulawayo have been challenged to form taskforces to search houses they suspect to be drug havens in the presence of the police as their contribution to the fight against drug abuse. Bulawayo United Residents Association chairperson Winos Dube made the call [...]

2024-04-19T17:28:05+00:0019th April 2024|

What’s democracy without citizen participation?

This article presented by Grocott's Mail discusses the ongoing challenges in achieving meaningful citizen participation and accountability within South Africa's local municipalities, focusing on the case study of Makhanda. It highlights initiatives like the Action for Accountability project and the role of organizations like the Public Service Accountability Monitor in promoting civic engagement and addressing governance issues. It has been three decades since the dawn of democracy in South Africa, yet gaps between communities and government remain a talking point. The apartheid administration brought the blatant exclusive participation in governance, forcefully silencing a large portion of the population. However, the [...]

2024-04-19T17:17:14+00:0019th April 2024|

Eco-Leaders: Fostering Youth Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation Through Capacity Building and Collective Action

Safdar Hussain came to IDSP 22 years ago with a degree in computer science and a vision to uplift the local communities, looking for support and guidance to realize his vision. Recognizing the potential of Safdar's vision, a symbiotic alliance was forged. It was not merely about providing resources but fostering an ecosystem where ideas could germinate and flourish. The result of this collaboration stands tall today in the shape of the University of Community Development (UCD), sprawled across eight acres, a testament to the boundless possibilities that emerge when vision gets the required support and appreciation. The story of [...]

2024-04-19T16:38:34+00:008th January 2024|

Building Sustainable Cities: The Role of Accountability in Socio-Ecological Systems

Cities are made up of intricate systems with many interconnected elements such as transportation, housing, water, waste, politics, and health. The interaction of these elements can yield transformative outcomes, like establishing health centers fostering job opportunities and educational growth. Conversely, it can also introduce challenges, such as industrial activities adversely impacting the water supply. Despite the seemingly boundless complexities inherent in cities, sustainability is essential. Therefore, it is vital to cultivate accountable cities where decision-makers are aware of their impact and answerable to the citizens they affect. This accountability, rooted in transparency and responsiveness, becomes the linchpin for building trust [...]

2024-04-19T16:37:39+00:002nd January 2024|

Mobilizing Civic Voter Education in Liberia

According to the National Elections Commission (NEC), Liberia’s current number of first-time voters is just over 20 percent. This figure demonstrates the need to prioritize civic voter education, especially for first-time voters in rural communities. On 21-22 June, Accountability Lab Liberia hosted a training session to build the civic and voter education capacity of 30 journalists and leaders of youth-led organizations from Counties including Bong, Grand Bassa, Lofa, Margibi Montserrado, and Nimba. The training session aimed to equip the participants with skills to lead creative civic engagement campaigns and build working relationships for cross-collaboration, learning, and advocacy. The training focused [...]

2023-10-02T19:03:44+00:0017th August 2023|

Funke Adeoye and her access to justice mission in Nigeria

Oluwafunke Adeoye, or Funke as everyone calls her, is a lawyer, human rights defender, social innovator, young global leader, and proud Accountapreneur. She is Hope Behind Bars Africa’s Founder and Executive Director. It's an organization that promotes human rights and criminal justice reforms using legal aid, research, evidence-based advocacy, and technology. Funke has led interventions that amplified the work of grassroots advocates across sub-Saharan Africa and saved hundreds of indigent pre-trial detainees. She is a Mandela Washington Fellow and an Acumen West Africa Fellow, most recently winning the 2023 Global Citizen Prize. Hope Behind Bars Africa began its impactful journey [...]

2023-08-24T12:21:20+00:0011th August 2023|

Cultivating a resilient mindset in Nepal’s civil service

In his best-selling book, “On The Origin of  Species”, English naturalist Charles Darwin said that it’s not the strongest or the most intelligent species that survives, but rather the one that’s most responsive to change. This theory, formulated in 1859, remains relevant in every sector to this day. In this blog, we’ll explore the connection between Darwin’s insight and the importance of resilience in Nepal’s civil service. It is undeniable that the civil service holds the key to the government's success and must be resilient and responsive to changing circumstances. This blog is based on an in-depth discussion that took [...]

2023-08-14T12:13:51+00:0015th July 2023|
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