
Integrity idol: Liberian reality TV show celebrates ethics

By: Kieron Monks, CNN. This article was originally published by CNN. A new reality TV craze is sweeping Liberia, with tens of thousands voting for their heroes and an intense debate surrounding their merits. But the recipients of their votes are not singing ballads or performing stunts. They are checking school registers and fighting ebola. Integrity Idol is a show with a purpose: to celebrate the honesty of the best public servants, while embarrassing the corruption of the worst. Local heroes The show, now in its second year in Liberia, is open to all government employees -- who make up [...]

2016-12-05T00:00:00+00:005th December 2016|

Integrity Idol Mali : Le fonctionnaire le plus intègre au Mali sera connu le 23 décembre 2016 (French)

Le projet « Intégrity Idol Mali », lancé il y a quelques mois, est sur la bonne voie. Après l’étape des nominations et du tri des meilleurs dossiers, le jury sélectionnera d’ici la fin du mois d’octobre, les 5 nominés. Avant la fin d’année, le fonctionnaire le plus intègre au Mali sera connu. Pour contribuer à la lutte contre la corruption qui gangrène notre société, le directeur pays d’Acountability Lab Mali, Moussa Kondo a lancé la première édition du projet « Intégrity Idol » Mali. Il a pour objectif de célébrer les honnêtes agents de l’administration publique afin d’en faire une source d’inspiration pour [...]

2016-10-17T00:00:00+00:0017th October 2016|

Debating Integrity Idol Liberia with the Street Parliaments

By: Beth Goldberg, Resident Summer Fellow at Accountability Lab Liberia  In Buchanan, Liberia, we sat circled around glasses of hot, milky tea in an open-air tea shop, far from a traditional parliament. The 20 members of the “street parliament” opened the meeting with a call and response chant, melding the disparate group of men into one voice comprising elders, students, local representatives, mechanics, and everyone in between. These men gather daily for the self-described purpose of critiquing leaders and debating hard questions. Such forums hearken back to early Athenian democracy, where citizens (men) met in public squares to engage lawmakers directly [...]

2016-08-11T00:00:00+00:0011th August 2016|

The government should encourage merit

By: Shakeel Anjum. This article was originally published by the Associated Press Service. While talking at the launch of Idol Integrity organized by Accountability Lab with the collaboration of National Press Club in Islamabad,  Muhammad Talal Ch of the Pakistan Muslim League said that the Cyber Crime Bill 2016 will not affect electronic and print media rather this law will deal only with cyber crimes. The basic issue of governance in Pakistan is human resource allocation, and legislation is essential to curb corruption by collective responsibilities of all political parties. The identification, promotion and awarding to honest government servants under Integrity Idol [...]

2016-08-08T00:00:00+00:008th August 2016|

Integrity Idol: How a reality TV show is changing minds about public service

By: Roxanne Bauer. This blog post was originally published by The World Bank's People, Spaces, Deliberation blog. In an age when celebrity culture and corruption appear to be omnipresent, it’s quite refreshing to be reminded that there are good people doing good work day in and day out.  These people work in our school systems, hospitals, charities, and as part of government bureaucracy.  Yes, bureaucracy. As Blair Glencorse states, “bureaucrats and civil servants can serve citizens in the way that they are supposed to.”  With this in mind, the organization he founded, Accountability Lab, created Integrity Idol, a global campaign run [...]

2016-07-27T00:00:00+00:0027th July 2016|

On top of the world: the first ever Integrity Idol

This article was originally published by Apolitical. The Nepalese civil servant who quadrupled school pass rates The world’s first ever winner of Integrity Idol has spoken to Apolitical about his victory – and how he raised the pass rate of school pupils in his district from 14% to more than 60% in a single year. Modelled on TV talent shows like Pop Idol, Integrity Idol celebrates public servants who have displayed outstanding dedication to the common good. Now spreading to several countries, it started in Nepal in 2014, where the inaugural winner was District Education Officer Gyan Mani Nepal. Schools [...]

2016-06-15T00:00:00+00:0015th June 2016|

Fight against corruption: Campaign to showcase honest officials in Mali

This article was originally published by Mali national daily Newspaper L'Essor, and was translated from French to English by the Accountability Lab team. "Integrity Idol" provides an open process of nomination, investigation, sorting, media final decided by a public vote. "Integrity Idol" is the name of a new anti-corruption project, which was launched on Saturday at the Onomo hotel in Bamako. The launch ceremony was attended by representatives of the embassies of the United States and Canada, Andrew Lee and Amadou Kane. "Integrity Idol", represented by Moussa Kondo in Mali, is a national field campaign, through online and traditional media, to celebrate and [...]

2016-05-31T00:00:00+00:0031st May 2016|

5 steps to curtail corruption in Pakistan

By: Pakistan Representative Fayyaz Yaseen and Executive Director Blair Glencorse. This blog post was originally published by the World Economic Forum. “What kind of Pakistan do we want for our children?”, a civil society activist asked recently. “It has to be an inclusive state which is fair, honest and open to everyone.” The promise of this future lies in an entire generation standing-up for accountability and holding those in power responsible for their actions. This is not easy, of course, but it is essential- and it can be done in Pakistan as it can in other countries in South Asia and beyond. At the [...]

2016-05-20T00:00:00+00:0020th May 2016|

How politics got in the way of needed Nepal earthquake relief

One year ago, the first of two massive earthquakes ripped through Nepal, killing more than 8,000 people. Some $4 billion of assistance was pledged to the rebuilding effort, but political gridlock and corruption have left the displaced survivors to largely fend for themselves. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports in partnership with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. HARI SREENIVASAN: But, first, one year ago today, a massive earthquake shook Nepal, killing more than 8,000 people. Some $4 billion dollars of assistance was pledged, but the rebuilding has been hampered by rugged conditions, poverty, and politics. Special correspondent Fred [...]

2016-04-25T00:00:00+00:0025th April 2016|

Names We’d Like To See When We Google ‘Women Changing The World’

By: Malaka Gharib. This article was originally published by NPR's blog "Goats and Soda: Stories of Life in a Changing World". Sheryl Sandberg. Hillary Clinton. Malala Yousafzai. Oprah. Even Taylor Swift. These names pop up when you Google "women changing the world." Depending on your politics and point of view, you may agree that these influencers have broken stereotypes, raised global awareness for critical issues like energy and education, and/or served as role models for girls. What about Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy? Etheldreda Nakimuli-Mpungu? Kiran Gandhi? Have you heard of them? Probably not. But they deserve a Google shout-out too. They're some [...]

2016-03-09T00:00:00+00:009th March 2016|
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