
President Sirleaf Commends Integrity Idol Liberia; Receives District Governor of Rotary Club.

This article was originally published by Executive Mansion. President Sirleaf receives gift from Governor Adediran. Photo Credit: Ousman Diallo-EXECUTIVE MANSION Monrovia, Liberia: President Sirleaf has commended Integrity Idol Liberia for organizing and promoting accountability and integrity issues in the country. She highlighted her recent Annual Address to the nation outlining the values that should be instilled in families, schools, churches, mosques and society in general regarding integrity. “When we spoke to the nation Monday, we said integrity starts with the family, in the homes; we also find it in the, church, in the mosques, in the office; and [...]

2017-01-25T00:00:00+00:0025th January 2017|

Integrity Summit 2017: What Can We Learn from Integrity Idols in Nepal?

Background In January 2017, the Accountability Lab brought together the three winners of the Integrity Idol Nepal competition since 2014 (Gyan Mani Nepal, Pradip Raj Kanel and Dor Bikram Shrees), along with other Integrity Idol finalists (including Bindu Kunwar, Tara Subedi, Bhishma Kumar Bhusal, Krishna Prasad Danchha, Bhuwan Kumari Rai, and Ram Narayan Shah), experts in anti-corruption and governance (including Suryanath Upadhyay the former head of the CIAA, Dr. Tarak Bahadur KC the Deputy Executive Director of Nepal Administrative Staff College, Bharat Bahadur Thapa the Head of Transparency International and Jiwan Prabha Lama the former Secretary of the Nepali Government, [...]

2017-01-23T00:00:00+00:0023rd January 2017|

Fighting Corruption: “Naming and Faming”: Liberia’s Most Honest Gov’t Officials

By: Lawrence Yealue, Country Representative for Accountability Lab Liberia. This article was originally published by Front Page Africa. National TV and Radio Campaign by Accountability Lab this week seeks to celebrate “Integrity Idols”. Corruption and a lack of accountability remain critical challenges to Liberia’s development- the most recent Transparency International poll scored Liberia at just 83rd out of 168 countries.Traditional approaches to tackling corruption have tended to involve the creation of laws, enforcement of rules and efforts to ensure compliance by individuals- all of which are a part of the solution.The difficulty with these approaches, however, is that they start [...]

2017-01-19T00:00:00+00:0019th January 2017|

X-Factor style accountability contest boosts integrity among government officials

By: Sophie Edwards. This article was originally published by Devex. Integrity Idol Nepal 2016 winner Dor Bikram Shrees accepts his winner's trophy from Surya Nath Updhyay, former head of the anti-corruption agency in Nepal. Photo by: Ranjit Shrestha An X-Factor style contest which “names and fames” public officials who go above and beyond when it comes to serving their constituents, is offering a new way of combating corruption and boosting accountability in developing countries. Now in its third year and operating annually in Nepal, Liberia, Pakistan and Mali, Integrity Idol is modelled on popular television shows such as Pop Idol. [...]

2017-01-10T00:00:00+00:0010th January 2017|

Dor Bikram Shrees Becomes Integrity Idol of the Year

This article was written and originally published by Glocal Khabar. Dor Bikram Shrees, a school teacher from Gulmi, has been declared the Integrity Idol of the year 2016. Shrees was felicitated with the award amidst a special award gala organized in the capital on Thursday. Integrity Idol is a national honor to recognize the most sincere and responsible government officer. The Principal of Siddhababa Higher Secondary School in Gulmi, Shrees is a favorite among teachers, students, and guardians alike, and a trusted member of the community. To implement practical and timely learning in the school, he initiated compulsory computer classes, [...]

2017-01-05T00:00:00+00:005th January 2017|

Integrity initiatives for 2017

By: Greg Navarro. This article was originally published by The Manila Times. Much has been said about the year that was 2016, but one thing is for sure: it is now well and truly over. Now, we can focus on 2017 and on doing what we can to make this year better than the one before. For me, 2017 brings in a new challenge to make a difference. I was recently elected chair of the Integrity Initiative, Inc., the private sector-led organization that promotes good governance, transparent business transactions, and strict integrity standards in the Philippines. Since it was launched in [...]

2017-01-02T00:00:00+00:002nd January 2017|

Mali administration publique: le fonctionnaire le plus intègre du Mali est un militaire! (in French)

By: Habi Kaba Diakité. This article was originally published by MaliActu.net. L’hôtel Al Farouk de Bamako a abrité, le vendredi, 23 décembre 2016, la cérémonie de remise de distinctions aux lauréats du concours du « fonctionnaire le plus intègre » de l’administration publique malienne. Une initiative citoyenne de «Integrity Idol 2016 Mali» que pilote notre confrère Moussa Kondo, à travers Global Shapers community. Cette 1ère édition a vu le sacre de l’adjudant Issa Cherif Dia, de l’armée de terre. Cette cérémonie de gala a vu la présence de plusieurs personnalités dont l’ancien Premier ministre, Moussa Mara. La cérémonie a débuté [...]

2016-12-29T00:00:00+00:0029th December 2016|

Five government officials shortlisted for Integrity Idol 2016 award

This article was originally published by myRepublica. With an objective to 'identify and celebrate Nepal's most honest government official', five high performing civil servants have been shortlisted for the Integrity Idol 2016 award. The 3rd national campaign of its kind saw nominations from over 850 government officials from across the country. From the list, five of them were shortlisted for the award by a panel of independent experts on December 22. Women Development Inspector of Jumla, Bindu Kunwar; Under Secretary of National Reconstruction Authority, Bhisma Kumar Bhusal; Principal of Gulmi-based Siddhababa Higher Secondary School, Dor Bikram Shrees; Principal of Bhaktapur-based [...]

2016-12-27T00:00:00+00:0027th December 2016|

Integrity Idol: Celebrating Heroes in Nepali Public Service via a Reality TV Contest

Three years ago, Accountability Lab Nepal developed a TV show through which honest government officials were filmed, with citizens watching the episodes and voting for their favorites. It was a surprise hit, taking the country by storm- with tens of thousands of votes being cast for the finalists. This season’s grand finale is yet to come, but the Nepalese people have embraced the competition again, voting in record numbers through SMS and online for their favorite civil servants. The campaign brings Nepalis from across the country into a conversation about what it means to be a person of integrity. It [...]

2016-12-27T00:00:00+00:0027th December 2016|

Accountability Lab: Promoting Good Government, Fighting Corruption

By: Marc Gunther. This article was originally published on Nonprofits Chronicles.  In the US, Integrity Idol might not qualify as must-see TV. The TV-and-radio show showcases five government officials, nominated by their fellow citizens, who are known for their honesty. People vote for their favorite civil servant via text messages or online, and the winner is crowned in a ceremony in the national capital. In Nepal, though, Integrity Idol is a hit. Last year, reached an estimated 3 million viewers (10 percent of the population), generated 10,000 votes and celebrated the work of a education reformer named Gyan Mani Nepal, who cleaned house [...]

2016-12-15T00:00:00+00:0015th December 2016|
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