
Access to justice in Liberia (podcast)

Accountability Lab Executive Director Blair Glencorse talks to John Kamma from the Citizens' Bureau about the challenges within the country's desperately under-resourced justice sector. Kamma facilitates the Lab's Community Justice Teams in the country and has so far resolved 400 cases through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

2019-06-21T00:00:00+00:0021st June 2019|

Learning as we grow

We view reflection and course-correction as fundamental to our organizational development at the Lab. As a part of our team learning mechanism, Accountability Lab Nepal introduced quarterly reviews (QR) to reflect on the impact of our programs. Soni Khanal explains how the Nepal team is conducting these reviews   These quarterly reviews (QR) provide a platform for the team to evaluate their work, timeline, individual and team responsibilities and also identify gaps on both human and financial resources. They also assist in collecting feedback for improvements, identifying results and impact, and enhancing critical thinking among the team members. The learnings from [...]

2019-06-12T00:00:00+00:0012th June 2019|

Follow the integrity trendsetter: How to support change in youth opinion and build social trust

In some societies people come to see corruption as the norm. When popular opinion in a country normalises corruption, this results in low trust in public administration. […]

2019-04-03T00:00:00+00:003rd April 2019|

Gender, outreach and accountability – the Lab’s 2018 Learning Report

Accountability Lab's Learning Report for 2018 shines a light on our progress outcomes from 2018 as well how we’re updating our Theory of Change. We also report back on how we’re improving our understanding of gender in our programming as well as what our staff reported about working for the Lab and how its impact is changing. We round up the report with some budget highlights for the year under review. Read the full report below. Learning Report 2018

2019-03-07T00:00:00+00:007th March 2019|
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