LabStorm: Is feedback an important data point?
Why is feedback important? At a recent World Bank Data Day, Accountability Lab and Feedback Labs advocated for feedback data and why it matters. […]
Why is feedback important? At a recent World Bank Data Day, Accountability Lab and Feedback Labs advocated for feedback data and why it matters. […]
All for one! One for all! […]
In some societies people come to see corruption as the norm. When popular opinion in a country normalises corruption, this results in low trust in public administration. […]
Accountability Lab's Learning Report for 2018 shines a light on our progress outcomes from 2018 as well how we’re updating our Theory of Change. We also report back on how we’re improving our understanding of gender in our programming as well as what our staff reported about working for the Lab and how its impact is changing. We round up the report with some budget highlights for the year under review. Read the full report below. Learning Report 2018
Growing an organization requires regular stock taking to ensure that daily operations continue to align with the mission and impact. […]
Over the past nine months- with the support of the Open Society Foundation- the Accountability Lab has hosted Fail Faires in Liberia, Mali and Pakistan. […]
In January 2018, The Economist featured our work on Integrity Idol posing the question: […]
The World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) launched the Future of Trust and Integrity project to examine how to rebuild trust and integrity while simultaneously addressing corruption. […] Trust in government is critical to building and maintaining a healthy society. The symptoms of a government that lacks trust are easy to spot: widespread corruption, nepotism, and patronage. In short, a profound lack of accountability. As Blair Glencorse of Accountability Lab notes in the video above, “accountability is about answerability. It’s about people who are in positions of power being accountable for the decisions and actions they take,” especially to the citizens and people who are most affected by these actions. Changing the way governments work and how people engage with them is no easy task. Accountability advocates like [...]