
A virtual Internship with Accountability Lab Nepal

Despite being 9,724 kilometres apart, I felt connected and part of the team every step of the way. As a student who knew little about humanitarian and development work, I was unsure what to expect working with Accountability Lab, let alone how to complete a virtual three-month internship from Sydney, Australia, due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. However, the moment I met with Narayan, Soni and Bikin, they eased all my concerns. They were so welcoming and excited to have me on the team. 14 weeks later, I completed my internship, and could not be happier and prouder of myself and [...]

2021-12-22T12:31:08+00:0022nd December 2021|

Liberian Journalist Tokpah Tarnue Wins Integrity Icon 2021

MONROVIA – Liberian Journalist Tokpah Tarnue, who is based in Lofa County, has been named Integrity Icon Of the year 2021, ahead of five others icons by Accountability Lab Liberia. The award is set for individuals who have demonstrated honesty and whose integrities have set a high standard, worth emulating by the public. Journalist Tarnue was named first among others to include, Joseph Bryant, who came second place, Sam M. Dikoah, a Liberia National Police Officer, who came third, a classroom teacher Siaka Paul, coming forth, a female Kulubo G. Davis also took the fifth place while Emmanuel Tuloe, was awarded [...]

2021-12-13T11:01:56+00:009th December 2021|

Policy Pitching – OGP Virtual Bootcamp Day 3

This week, Accountability Lab and the Government of Korea are hosting a bootcamp for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s youth delegates. Catch the Day 2 recap here.  For the final day of the OGP bootcamp, the youth delegates took everything they had learned about open government processes and collaboration across diverse interests, to create policy recommendations. Split into three groups based on their backgrounds and expertise, the delegates developed draft proposals on: i) civic space and public participation; ii) inclusive digital innovation; and iii) anti-corruption.  While brainstorming in their policy groups, the delegates focused on a number of pertinent [...]

2021-12-02T08:34:38+00:002nd December 2021|

Building Unlikely Networks – OGP Virtual Bootcamp Day 1

By Alawi Masud Accountability Lab and the Government of Korea are hosting a bootcamp for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s youth delegates. The purpose of this bootcamp is to prepare young people to develop new ideas around open governance, develop policy ideas that involve youth, and actively participate in conversations around open government during the upcoming Summit and in the future.  The first day of the bootcamp focused on building “unlikely networks.” Here are four key takeaways: Globalized Perspectives Dr. Cho Sangmyeong, the Director-General of Government Innovation Planning Bureau at the Ministry of the Interior and Safety in Korea, [...]

2021-11-30T08:00:38+00:0030th November 2021|

5 Tips for Selecting Awesome Program Participants: Lessons from the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s International Youth Delegation

By Katie Fuhs How do you narrow hundreds of applications to a handful of finalists when there are so many things to consider i.e experience, inclusion, commitment, diversity, etc. While Accountability Lab has yet to find a magic formula for selecting program participants in our work, we recently  narrowed 291 spectacular applications to 15 finalists for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s Youth Delegation. Here are a few lessons we learned: First, targeted outreach: getting the right applications is much more important than the total number of applications. Before even posting the application, research places to share the opportunity that [...]

2021-12-02T09:15:52+00:0030th November 2021|

Announcing the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s Youth Delegates

By Katie Fuhs Given the central role that young people have played in previous OGP Summits, the Government of Korea wishes to support young people around the world to engage further with OGP to ensure that youth are central to policy and advocacy around open government in the future. Towards that aim, the Government of Korea has asked Accountability Lab to recruit youth activists focused on anti-corruption, civic space and public participation, and inclusive digital innovation to share their ideas and perspectives at the 2021 OGP Summit. As such, Accountability Lab is proud to introduce the youth delegates of the [...]

2021-12-14T09:35:52+00:0029th November 2021|

Call to Create the First Citizen Observatory for Participatory Budget in Mexico

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST Ethos, Accountability Lab, Ollin and Borde gathered representatives of the civil society organizations, actors of the private sector, community leaders and guarantor agencies involved in monitoring, and public policy design and/or programs that aim to foster the 2030 Agenda.   They want to trigger positive narratives around the accomplished achievements for citizens and public servants in order to build bridges of trust and achieve greater citizen involvement. They will socialize and promote the participatory budget topics in other legislative entities, aiming to deepen its understanding. Tuesday, October 26th 2021, Mexico City - This morning, civil society [...]

2021-11-08T11:02:02+00:008th November 2021|

Emmanuel Tolue receives additional 10k

By Lincoln G Peters Emmanuel Tolue, the teenager who found and returned US50,000 to the owner has received an additional 10,250 in cash reward from the Chief Executive Officer of the Spoon Group of Companies and focal moderator of the Spoon Talkshow, Mr. Stanton Witherspoon. Tolue, an 18-year-old commercial motorcyclist from Nimba County, recently found and returned to Madam Musu Yancy, the rightful owner of US$50,000.00 while he was riding near the Gblor Dialla Township in Nimba County. Since then, Tolue has been receiving recognition and awards, some of which came from Liberia’s President George Manneh Weah and other top [...]

2021-11-02T08:29:42+00:002nd November 2021|

The Lab bids farewell to Moussa Kondo

Washington DC, 1 November 2021 - Accountability Lab Mali is bidding farewell to Country Director, Moussa Kondo, who is moving on from his position after five years. In that time, Kondo has built Accountability Lab Mali into a prominent and impactful non-profit organization in Bamako, with a program scope that includes Integrity Icon Mali, an Accountability Incubator, and Civic Action teams working on peace, security and misinformation. Most recently, the team launched Connect 223, a dialogue program that brings together regional leaders and young people from some of the country’s most insecure regions to co-create solutions for peacebuilding and stability.  [...]

2021-11-12T20:58:53+00:001st November 2021|

Le Lab fait ses adieux à Moussa Kondo

Washington DC, 1 novembre 2021 - Accountability Lab Mali fait ses adieux à son directeur national, Moussa Kondo, qui quitte son poste après cinq ans. Au cours de cette période, M. Kondo a fait d'Accountability Lab Mali une organisation à but non lucratif importante et influente à Bamako, dont le programme comprend Integrity Icon Mali, un incubateur de responsabilité et des équipes d'action civique travaillant sur la paix, la sécurité et la désinformation. Plus récemment, l'équipe a lancé Connect 223, un programme de dialogue qui rassemble des leaders régionaux et des jeunes de certaines des régions les plus instables du [...]

2021-12-02T08:55:46+00:001st November 2021|
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