
How the Government Silenced Accountability in Run up to Election

By Tina S. Mehnpaine with New Narratives Three months after the government raced an act through the Legislature overhauling the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, Liberia’s independent corruption watchdog has almost ceased functioning, all but ending scrutiny of government corruption in the runup to next year’s election. A source inside the Commission, who requested anonymity for fear of losing their job, said prosecutions have been stalled because of the changes that included the firing of all staff including chairperson Cllr. Edwin Kla Martin as the Weah administration “concentrates on the 2023 elections.” This week’s decision by the Supreme Court to halt some [...]

2022-11-30T23:33:17+00:005th November 2022|

Eva Sander: Guerrera digital

Eva Sander siempre se distinguió por alzar la voz y no quedarse de brazos cruzados, a raíz de un desastre natural tomó el activismo en serio y encabezó un movimiento en redes. Nacida en Ciudad de México, pero criada en Monterrey y egresada por la UDEM en la carrera de Estudios Internacionales, Eva Sander tiene ya un amplio recorrido en su labor, muy de la mano de la tecnología. Hoy, está100 por ciento comprometida con los movimientos de bien común y se distingue por ser una emprendedora social. Está a cargo de Accountability Lab en México, un reto que la mantiene [...]

2022-11-20T22:46:32+00:001st November 2022|

Lack of inclusive governance fuelling insecurity – NGO’s allege

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have claimed that the lack of inclusion and collective governance mechanisms which have caused grievances among Nigerians for years led to the state of insecurity in the country. The NGOs made this known on Saturday in Abuja at the Summit for Democracy Roundtable organised by Save the Children International (SCI) in partnership with Accountability Lab. Speaking at the event, the Strategic Communications Manager for Accountability Lab Nigerian Office, Mr. Suleiman Murkthar said now more than ever, young children and youths should take a stand in matters that concern national interest and how they shape the nation. He [...]

2022-10-27T09:17:56+00:0023rd October 2022|

Amazing encounters in South-Kivu

By Doussouba Konaté | Read the French version here I recently returned from a trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with Alejandra Ona, our Finance Manager at Accountability Lab Global. We were in the province of South Kivu, in the cities of Bukavu and Uvira, as part of the implementation of our DRL-funded “Building Integrity in the DRC” program. This program, which began implementation in September 2020, aims to contribute to efforts to reduce corruption in the DRC through a number of means such as empowering civil society to support integrity through creative and positive campaigning. The program [...]

2022-10-26T13:51:31+00:0021st October 2022|

Consolidating support for the transgender community

Written by Tirelo Makwela In May 2018, the Pakistan government passed the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, a comprehensive response to ensure the rights and welfare of the trans community are protected. It was hailed as a win for the transgender community but experience has shown that the law alone is not enough to ensure the safety and prosperity of transgender people. Many still face harassment, exclusion and violence in public spaces, even when trying to access government services. According to a report by the Guardian, 2021 was the deadliest year for the trans community, with more than 300 [...]

2022-12-07T14:32:41+00:0021st October 2022|

Six key takeaways from Gov-HER-Nance in Pakistan!

Written by Farhan Khalid Pakistan was ranked as the second-worst country in terms of gender parity (145 out of 146 countries) in the Global Gender Gap/Parity Report released by the World Economic Forum in July 2022. Out of the four key indicators that form the basis of the gender parity index - including Educational Attainment, Health, and Survival, Political Empowerment, and Economic Participation and Opportunity - the country ranked 145th on economic participation and opportunity and 143rd on health and survival.   It could be argued that the Covid-19 pandemic, apart from other ongoing factors, played a vital role in these [...]

2022-10-17T11:51:49+00:0017th October 2022|

Public Service Bureau Hosts Roundtable On National Ethics, Integrity Policy

The Bureau of Public Service Reforms (BPSR) in collaboration with Accountability Lab yesterday hosted a one-day roundtable sensitisation on the code of conduct for public officers and the national ethics and integrity policy.  The event which had several representatives of civil servants from different government MDAs, military and para-military in attendance discussed and developed a joint strategy for the enforcement of the Code of Conduct for Public Servants and National Ethics and Integrity Policy. The Director-General of the Bureau of Public Service Reforms, MR. Dasuki I. Arabi said the roundtable workshop was coming on the heels of findings from a [...]

2022-10-26T14:00:21+00:0013th October 2022|

Rebuilding Accountability Chains One Action and Community at a Time

By Alois Nyamazana Zimbabwe’s informal economy is the second largest in the world. The ILO estimates that 5.2 million people trade in the informal economy (compared to 495,000 who are in formal employment), and 65% of these are women. Informal trade is a precarious and insecure source of livelihood. Adding to this challenge is the criminalization of informal trade[  as a result of an insufficient policy environment. Informal traders constantly face harassment from authorities. For example, in Goromonzi, traders are in constant conflict with state and municipal authorities. This has resulted in traders losing valuable income, and women traders facing sexual [...]

2022-10-05T08:25:04+00:003rd October 2022|

Shoko Fest: A platform to uplift talents

SHOKO Festival director Farai “Comrade Fatso” Munroe says the COVID-19 pandemic was a blessing in disguise as it gave them new ideas on how to improve the hosting of the annual urban culture jubilee. After running the festival virtually for the past two years, this year’s 12th edition which roared to life on Tuesday is capitalising on the relaxed COVID-19 regulations to assume a hybrid format whereby most of its events are being held physically, while others remain on the virtual platform. Some of the festival’s events are being hosted online to cater for those who may not be able [...]

2022-10-27T13:04:18+00:0029th September 2022|

Read Accountability Lab’s draft strategy for 2023-2026

We're releasing our draft Strategy for 2023-2026 for public comment. Please take a read and then let us know how you would change or improve some of our goals in this form. Over the past decade, we have experimented, learned, and tested, and now that we have significant buy-in for our work, we are scaling up our efforts as the new way to work within the accountability field. We’d appreciate your comments and suggestions here. We aim to finalize and release this new strategy before the end of November, 2022.   Highlights Accountability Lab makes governance work for people. We [...]

2022-09-26T17:23:50+00:0026th September 2022|
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