Remaining Accountable

By Ashmita Sharma, Stephanie Bandyk, and Soni Khanal, Accountability Lab Nepal In 2015, historic twin earthquakes struck Nepal and affected 14 districts with more than 8,790 casualties and 22,300 injuries. The Accountability Lab responded to an apparent gap between government bodies, civil society, and citizens by facilitating feedback loops that cycled information among community stakeholders through its mobile Citizen Helpdesks Platform. The model of mobile Citizen Helpdesks provides a framework to listen, collect, and interpret the concerns of communities, question, and validate these concerns with relevant stakeholders, and then disseminate the information back to the community. Over time, our community agents known as Community Frontline Associates [...]

2018-07-16T00:00:00+00:0016th July 2018|

How we’re working to advance gender equity at the Accountability Lab

A little over a year ago,  as we were developing our latest strategic plan, our team identified a  significant gap in our strategy and operations vis-a-vis gender equity and justice. Gender equity is not a new concept within the field of accountability, transparency and governance. There have been a number of studies (here and here for example) that look at the way policymakers and NGOs think about the impact of corruption on women and the role of women in promoting ethical leadership and transparent government. At the Accountability Lab, we noticed a gap in both our operations as well as [...]

2018-05-17T00:00:00+00:0017th May 2018|
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