
Trends and threats – a presentation to Wilton Park

Earlier this year, AL Co-CEO Jean Scrimgeour was invited to 'think-space' Wilton Park in the UK to talk about the threats and opportunities we're seeing in the governance field. She collects them here - from using civic technology cleverly, to building equity and inclusion for better outcomes.

2024-05-22T14:35:18+00:0020th May 2024|

What’s democracy without citizen participation?

This article presented by Grocott's Mail discusses the ongoing challenges in achieving meaningful citizen participation and accountability within South Africa's local municipalities, focusing on the case study of Makhanda. It highlights initiatives like the Action for Accountability project and the role of organizations like the Public Service Accountability Monitor in promoting civic engagement and addressing governance issues. It has been three decades since the dawn of democracy in South Africa, yet gaps between communities and government remain a talking point. The apartheid administration brought the blatant exclusive participation in governance, forcefully silencing a large portion of the population. However, the [...]

2024-04-19T17:17:14+00:0019th April 2024|
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