Testing the limits of tech: building measures for accountability in the Balkans

What does the deputy mayor of a town in northwestern Albania have in common with a 20-year old engineering student from North Macedonia? They’re both invested in creating tech tools to counter corruption in their home countries. Both are also participants in the Balkans edition of Hackcorruption, an AL initiative that aims to combat corruption globally by stimulating the innovative use of technology to address accountability gaps and build systemic integrity. At the top of a week of exploration of and support of the civic tech landscape in the Balkans, Accountability Lab and our partners the Center for International Private [...]

2024-12-19T07:55:30+00:0011th December 2024|

Letting the Sunshine in: Building Inclusive, Accountable, and Equitable Climate Finance Ecosystems

Development Gateway: An IREX Venture and the Thai Youth Anti-Corruption Network convened a Bangkok roundtable on climate finance, highlighting the need for inclusive governance and transparency. Authors Tom Orrell, Kelley Sams, Kobchart Jaraswimol, and Stevie Harison discuss the complexities and stress the importance of youth involvement in shaping equitable solutions. In late April 2024, Development Gateway: An IREX Venture, together with the Thai Youth Anti-Corruption Network, organized an invite-only roundtable in Bangkok, Thailand to discuss how to efficiently and effectively use climate financing, which is money committed for activities to mitigate or adapt to the impacts of climate change. Participants [...]

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