
Forging New Ground – Jim Tuttle – First Accountability Lab/Newhouse Visual Storytelling Fellow

By: Jim Tuttle, Accountability Lab Visual Storytelling Fellow. This blog post was originally published by the Newhouse Center for Global Engagement. Earlier this summer I lived in Liberia for about 10 weeks, working as the multimedia resident for a NGO called The Accountability Lab. I’d like to thank AL and the Newhouse Center for Global Engagement at Syracuse University for making this wonderful opportunity available.  It was an excellent learning experience, and a great chance to push my visual skills and portfolio forward. My projects there included filming a music video in an abandoned Monrovia hotel for a Liberian musician named [...]

2020-03-03T16:02:53+00:0016th November 2015|

Profiles in Public Integrity: Lawrence Yealue

By: Lawrence Yealue. This blog post was originally published by Columbia Law School’s Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity (CAPI). Lawrence Yealue is the West Africa Representative of Accountability Lab, an incubator for local-level integrity initiatives with an emphasis on generating sustainable development. Based in Monrovia, Liberia, Yealue’s career has centered on community-driven approaches to responsible reform. His previous work includes serving as Electoral Commissioner for the Liberian Student Association-Ghana, National Coordinator for the World Youth Spirit Council, Project Director for the Rotary Club of Wisconsin, and as a volunteer for Africa Peace’s HIV/AIDS Education & Peace Initiative. Yealue also founded and directs [...]

2020-03-03T16:02:52+00:009th November 2015|

‘Corruption, Corruption’: Partnering with ‘Amaze’ to Promote Social Change Via Music Video

With the support of the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), the Accountability Lab and Amaze are pleased to announce the launch of a collaborative initiative to combat corruption in Liberia through the power of Hip co music. The centerpiece of the initiative, a music video for the track ’Corruption, Corruption’, will be complemented by a discussion on Hip co and accountability, and performances at high schools and universities in Monrovia and Buchanan. Produced by the Accountability Lab, the video for ‘Corruption, Corruption’ was filmed at the Ducor Hotel. Towering over Central Monrovia, the edifice, constructed in the 1950s, [...]

2015-10-14T00:00:00+00:0014th October 2015|

Powerful Citizen Media to Champion Responsible Governments

By: Karolle Rabarison. This blog post was originally published by Media Rise. Interview produced by Katie Gach. I recently sat down with Blair Glencorse, Executive Director of Accountability Lab. The Lab “catalyzes a new generation of active citizens and responsible leaders around the world.” As part of this year’s Media Rise festival, Blair will lead a workshop on media’s role in promoting civic engagement, happening at the OpenGov Hub on September 29, 2015 (register). Media Rise: Last year, Accountability Lab was the Media Rise Pitch Night People’s Choice Award. That contributed to the film school in Liberia where students are making films to [...]

2015-09-28T00:00:00+00:0028th September 2015|

Ebola goes global: The future of development, accountability, and media empowerment in Liberia

By: Brooks Marmon, Accountability Lab Liberia Program Officer. This blog post was originally published by Brookings. While the Ebola crisis has exerted a significant human cost in Liberia, the unprecedented attention given to the tiny West African country has been a catalyst of local media empowerment. The extent to which this attention can be leveraged for sustainable media development will be a barometer for the ability of the international community to make good on the Ebola opportunity. (Ir)responsible media & Ebola awareness In a region of the world that typically receives scant media attention, the Ebola crisis has put Liberia in [...]

2015-09-11T00:00:00+00:0011th September 2015|

Art Festival Highlights Industry’s Needs

By Lisa Diasay. This article was originally published by The Bush Chicken. MONROVIA, Montserrado – At a recent one-day art exhibition organized by the Accountability Lab and the Liberia Visual Arts Academy, young artists showcased their artistic works portraying peace, democracy, society, and Liberia’s everyday life. The program took place on Friday, June 26 at the National Museum under the theme, “Liberia’s Quest for Integrity.” The arts festival featured 12 Liberian artists with a variety of styles including paintings, cartoons, and graphic illustrations. They included Duke Appleton of Maryland, Frank Dwuye of Montserrado, Leslie Lumeh of Grand Cape Mount, Isaac Doubor [...]

2015-08-25T00:00:00+00:0025th August 2015|

Mobile Film Screenings: A Wide-Reaching Tool for Civic Outreach

By: Meghan Schneider, Accountability Lab Summer Design Resident Earlier this year students at the Liberia Film Institute (LFI) created a series of documentaries and dramas about the Ebola epidemic that ravaged Liberia. The films covered a range of topics including the stigma survivors face, sexual transmission of the disease, and accusations that emergency workers still have not received proper compensation. These films were first shown in June, when the Accountability Lab and LFI co-sponsored a film festival on the University of Liberia’s Capitol Hill campus in Monrovia. After the showing in Monrovia, LFI began traveling to all of Liberia’s counties [...]

2015-08-03T00:00:00+00:003rd August 2015|

“I have to do what has to be done”: Leslie Lumeh and the Fight for Liberia’s Cultural Heritage

By: Brooks Marmon and Jim Tuttle, Accountability Lab in Monrovia, Liberia. This blog post was originally published as an article in Images Magazine, Edition 16. A Leslie Lumeh has been proclaimed “Liberia’s most celebrated artist” by CNN. A product of Booker Washington Institute, the visual artist has received accolades from wide and afar, with his works presented at exhibitions in Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, South Africa, and the United States. His services are widely in demand by Liberia’s international partners, such as the UNICEF, the US Embassy, and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Stating that “I came to the earth as an artist”, Leslie notes that he began his career by [...]

2015-07-24T00:00:00+00:0024th July 2015|

Integrity Gets Great Ratings

Integrity Gets Great Ratings How Nepalis harnessed the power of reality TV to strike a blow against corruption. BY BLAIR GLENCORSE, SUMAN PARAJULI. Originally published in Foreign Policy. To Gyan Mani Nepal, the newly appointed head of education in Panchthar, a small and beautiful corner of far eastern Nepal, the situation in his school district was a depressing reminder of his own youth. Teacher absenteeism was as high as 90 percent; those who did come to work often showed up drunk. Others shook principals down for bribes just to come to their jobs. Schools were regularly shut down by political [...]

2015-07-09T00:00:00+00:009th July 2015|

Liberia’s Political Accountability Art

Liberia's Political Accountability Art By Brooks Marmon, Accountability Lab in Monrovia, Liberia. Originally published in Okay Africa. (Photo from ‘Accountability Art: Liberia’s Quest for Integrity’ by Jim Tuttle. Click here to see full gallery of artwork.)  An artistic culture is starting to resume in Liberia, with a number of African curio shops lining the road to Robertsfield Airport and Monrovia’s busy Waterside Market. Nonetheless, an exhibition of Liberian art has proven more common in the West than in Monrovia, where the commercial business district has not housed an art gallery since 2012. Accountability Art: Liberia’s Quest for Integrity, on display at the National [...]

2015-07-01T00:00:00+00:001st July 2015|
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