Voice2Rep: Amplifying Advocacy and Good Governance Through Music

This article, shared by TASCK, highlights the impactful work of the Voice2Rep project, led by Accountability Lab, in promoting advocacy and good governance through music across Mali, Nigeria, Liberia, Zimbabwe, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Voice2Rep empowers emerging artists to use their musical talents to address critical social issues, such as transparency, civic engagement, and social justice. The initiative serves as a platform for young, undiscovered musicians to amplify their voices and advocate for meaningful change in their communities. Voice2Rep began in Nigeria in 2018 with the goal of mentoring young artists and equipping them with the skills necessary [...]

2024-10-15T08:08:14+00:0015th October 2024|

Nous recrutons: Chargé/e du projet d’équipes d’actions civiques (Civacts)

A propos de nous :  Accountability Lab RDC (AL RDC) est une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif de droit congolais qui a pour mission de mettre la gouvernance au service des citoyens en soutenant les citoyens actifs, les dirigeants responsables et les institutions redevables. Nous réimaginons la manière de renforcer la redevabilité pour soutenir un monde dans lequel les ressources sont utilisées de manière judicieuse, les décisions profitent à tous de manière équitable et les gens mènent une vie sûre.  AL RDC est affiliée à Accountability Lab Global qui a été fondée aux USA en 2012 dans le [...]

2024-10-14T08:10:21+00:0014th October 2024|

Sharing Solutions for Sustainable Development: From Rawalpindi to the UN HLPF

As a transgender rights activist from Pakistan and the co-founder of PINK Center, I had the extraordinary privilege of participating in the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2024. Bringing together world leaders, policymakers, civil society organizations, youth delegates, and stakeholders, the annual platform serves as a global stage to review progress, share best practices, and chart new paths towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).    The HLPF 2024: A Global Stage for Sustainable Development The High-Level Political Forum 2024 was a whirlwind of innovative ideas, youth engagement, and global cooperation. This year's forum, under [...]

2024-10-08T10:08:27+00:008th October 2024|

AL Mali restructure ses opérations

Bamako, Mali - Accountability Lab Mali (AL Mali) annonce la restructuration de ses opérations au Mali, entraînant un changement de ressources humaines et une nouvelle inscription auprès des autorités maliennes en tant qu'organisation nationale de la société civile en mars 2024. Depuis 2016, notre communauté nous connaît sous le nom d’AL MALI, et cela restera ainsi ; cette inscription nous a permis de formaliser un certain nombre de processus et d’harmoniser notre nom avec notre enregistrement. Notre relation avec le réseau global d'Accountability Lab, comprenant le Népal, le Pakistan, le Mexique, le Libéria, le Nigéria, la République Démocratique du Congo, [...]

2024-10-01T16:13:55+00:0030th September 2024|

AL Mali restructures operations

Bamako, Mali - Accountability Lab Mali (AL Mali) announces the completed restructuring of its operations in the country, resulting in a change of human resources and re-registration with the Malian authorities as a national civil society organization.  Since 2016, our community has known us at AL MALI, and this will remain. This re-registration has allowed us to formalize a number of processes and to harmonize our name with our registration. Our relationship with the thriving global network of Accountability Labs including Nepal, Pakistan, Mexico, Liberia, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe and South Africa continues unchanged. It is this [...]

2024-10-01T15:35:12+00:0030th September 2024|

Prioritizing Community: Building impact on shifting political sands in Mali

With two coups in the last four years and the political instability that comes with it, Mali is not the easiest place to put down good governance roots. Unless those roots are placed with the one constant: people. We sat down with Accountability Lab Mali Country Director Doussouba Konate and Deputy Country Director Habibou Diaou to talk about how a community-led approach pays dividends in a transitional context. “We live, these days, in an exceptional situation in which we’ve had transitional governments led by the military. And that's not an ideal environment for an organization that's pushing for better governance,” [...]

2024-09-25T07:47:15+00:0023rd September 2024|

Building (unfunded) accountability into the localization agenda – Part 2

In the first blog of this series, we spoke about the challenges of being small and accountable. In this second instalment, we talk about the solutions that our community has found to overcome or partially address the challenges.   None of the accountability challenges mentioned in the first blog are new, or unique to Accountability Lab. Many organizations are valiantly taking up the “shifting the power” mantle while trying to keep the lights on. The US Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has recently increased the de minimus rate (the indirect cost rate applied to grants for those that do [...]

2024-09-30T19:34:51+00:0019th September 2024|

Building (unfunded) accountability into the localization agenda – Part 1

This is the first of a two-part series of blogs about accountability in the non-profit sector and how funders can better understand how this relates to localization. Being accountable is expensive. At Accountability Lab we have found that since we first wrote about this issue 5 years ago, that while people are becoming more aware of the costs of being accountable, it is more difficult, and  more expensive to fund than ever. The much-needed localization agenda has committed development partners (in particular the US Government) to directly channel a larger portion of official development assistance (ODA) to local partners in [...]

2024-09-30T19:33:45+00:0019th September 2024|

Youth Protests: Supporting active citizenship in practice

In an era of growing youth uprisings, there is an increased need to support this latest indicator of active citizenship in the countries in which they erupt. Large-scale protests against corruption, nepotism and excessive taxation of populations already struggling economically, flared up in Kenya, Uganda and Bangladesh over June and July this year. Protestors in all three countries faced brutal crackdowns by government police and security forces resulting in arrests, intimidation, violence and death.  While young democracy and human rights defenders do take steps to secure their safety, there is a need for more support. Mahera Musharrat, a young democracy [...]

2024-09-19T09:24:49+00:0013th September 2024|

Reflections, insights, and lessons from implementing New Narratives for Accountability in Zimbabwe 

In 2020, when Accountability Lab considered working in Zimbabwe, partners, experts, and friends remarked that accountability work required a fresh approach to re-energize the sector after over two decades of solid governance and accountability civil society work. With our partners at Magamba, Kubatana, and others, we heeded this advice and co-created a program bringing together communities, academics, creatives, and development orthodoxy to build an accountability ecosystem. This approach looked at old problems with fresh eyes, fostering unusual partnerships, and novel approaches.  Our value-driven approach allowed us to support and reinforce existing networks rather than re-form them and to improve rather [...]

2024-09-12T08:06:32+00:0010th September 2024|
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