November 30, 2021

By Alawi Masud Accountability Lab and the Government of Korea are hosting a bootcamp for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s youth delegates. The purpose of this bootcamp is to prepare young people to develop new ideas around open governance, develop policy ideas that involve youth, and actively participate in conversations around open government during the upcoming Summit and in the future. The first day of the bootcamp focused on building “unlikely networks.” Here are four key takeaways: Globalized Perspectives Dr. Cho Sangmyeong, the Director-General of Government Innovation Planning Bureau at the Ministry of the Interior and Safety in Korea, […]
By Alawi Masud
Accountability Lab and the Government of Korea are hosting a bootcamp for the 2021 Open Government Partnership Summit’s youth delegates. The purpose of this bootcamp is to prepare young people to develop new ideas around open governance, develop policy ideas that involve youth, and actively participate in conversations around open government during the upcoming Summit and in the future.
The first day of the bootcamp focused on building “unlikely networks.” Here are four key takeaways:
- Globalized Perspectives
Dr. Cho Sangmyeong, the Director-General of Government Innovation Planning Bureau at the Ministry of the Interior and Safety in Korea, mentioned the difference in perspective that today’s youth have compared to other generations. Young people today grew up in a globalized world, giving them different and unique insights into how the world works.
- The Importance of Now
Open governance is important, but is it pressing? Blair Glencorse, Executive Director of Accountability Lab, stated that youth perspectives are needed to solve modern crises. He shared that open government can provide youth with meaningful seats at decision-making tables that are focused on combating the rise of autocracy and corruption around the world
- Breakfast is Key
Renata Leal, a member of the Open Gov Youth Collective, ran a fun icebreaker for the youth delegates to virtually share a meal with one another. They connected over the similarities and differences between their versions of a typical or favorite morning meal.
- Networks beget Creativity
Networks allow us to reach shared goals – from interaction with others comes unexpected and unique ideas that allow us to better grasp the complexity of the systems we are trying to change. “Unlikely networks” are great for this as they compel us to reach out to those who are missing in our usual spaces.
Alawi Masud is an Operations Coordinator for Accountability Lab