Accountability Lab Directors at the UN General Assembly

September 24, 2019


New York, September 23 – Accountability Lab is pleased to announce the involvement of two of its directors at the 74th United Nations General Assembly this week. The Lab’s Executive Director Blair Glencorse will speak at the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Action Zone at the UN headquarters on Wednesday, September 25, about the global impact of our public engagement campaign, Integrity Icon. Blair will address the importance of reframing the debate around corruption – especially in countries where graft is endemic – and how the campaign has managed to engage communities in processes that strengthen governance in South Asia, and […]


New York, September 23 – Accountability Lab is pleased to announce the involvement of two of its directors at the 74th United Nations General Assembly this week.

The Lab’s Executive Director Blair Glencorse will speak at the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Action Zone at the UN headquarters on Wednesday, September 25, about the global impact of our public engagement campaign, Integrity Icon. Blair will address the importance of reframing the debate around corruption – especially in countries where graft is endemic – and how the campaign has managed to engage communities in processes that strengthen governance in South Asia, and West and Southern Africa.

This presentation will be followed by our Mali Country Director Moussa Kondo on Thursday, September 26, when Moussa addresses the political climate in Mali at the Governing Council of the Community of Democracies (CoD) on the margins of the General Assembly. The meeting is a follow-up to a High-Level Delegation visit to the Republic of Mali that the CoD carried out in July this year. During an Extraordinary Governing Council meeting, a report on the High-Level Delegation will be presented, followed by a discussion on the current situation in Mali where Moussa will provide a critical civil society perspective.

For more information or to set up press interviews with either Blair or Moussa, contact Global Communications Director Sheena Adams at [email protected].



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