

Accountability Lab Mali works out of a welcoming office in Bamako.

Integrity Icon: A campaign to find, celebrate and support honest government officials to change the narrative around corruption and build coalitions for reform.

Civic Action Teams: A pioneering citizen feedback, dialogue and community voice platform to ensure accountability in the development process.

Accountability Incubator: Accountability Lab’s flagship program for young change-makers to build sustainable, effective tools for change.

Linking and Learning: Supporting civil society groups in Mali (and Niger) to build coalitions and learn from one another, amplifying their work on the national, regional and international level.



Inclusivity in action: transforming information access in Mali

Categories: 2024, CivActs, Governance, Home Blog, Mali, news|Tags: , , , , , , |

Mali has been entrenched in a severe security and social crisis for over a decade, where misinformation has emerged as a potent disruptor, dividing communities through fear and mistrust. As [...]

Mali’s Youth Take the Lead on Inclusive Education Advocacy

Categories: 2023, Gender, Home Blog, Mali, news, Thought Leadership, Youth & Education|Tags: , , , |

By Zeinabou Walet Mohamed Ali In Mali, critical issues such as insecurity and climate change are hampering the successful implementation of educational strategies. Socio-cultural constraints are leading to a depressingly [...]

Training to Transformation: The Sahel’s Youth in Political Leadership and Conflict Resolution

Categories: 2023, Home Blog, news, Press, Youth & Education|Tags: , , , , |

By Zeinabou Walet Mohamed Ali    Faced with security challenges and a shrinking civic and democratic space in the Sahel, young people have expressed a strong desire to increase their political [...]

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