Accountability Lab Liberia is based at the bustling iCampus Liberia complex on Snapper Hill in Monrovia.
Integrity Icon: The latest edition of this campaign culminated with an Awards Ceremony in December 2021 where the five Integrity Icons were presented with their awards in Monrovia. The top five Icons were, Mrs. Kulubo Davis, a certified midwife at the Tenegar Community Clinic in Peace Community, Montserrado County; Mr. Tokpa Tarnue from the Liberia Broadcasting System; Mr. Joseph Bryant of the Liberia Institutes of Statistics and Geo- information Services, Mr. Siaka S. Paul from the Sinje Public High School in Grand Cape Mount County; and Inspector Sam M. Dikoah from the Liberian National Police (LNP).
Civic Action Teams: With a focus on natural resource management issues and strengthening relationships between communities, government and companies in concession areas. We’re working with
Accountability Incubator: Recruitment for the next cohort is focused on participation, inclusion, digital governance and environmental accountability.
Voice2Rep: Voice2Rep is a first-of-its-kind music competition searching for underground and undiscovered music artists who support greater representation, participation and accountability.
Reel Peace: 45 women from across Liberia are making films about peace and accountability in their communities, culminating in a national women’s film festival in the spring of 2019.
iCampus (OpenGovHub): Liberia’s first fully-equipped co-working, community and innovation space.
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Liberian CSOs criticise “leadership failure, weak oversight”
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 - Leading Liberian organizations working on integrity and transparency have welcomed new health measures to mitigate against Covid-19, but also warned about a lack of overall [...]
Accountability Lab Liberia Wants Citizens To Get Involved in Nominating this Year’s Integrity Icon
Accountability Lab Liberia has launched an eight month campaign process that begins with the nominations of public servants across the country through a rigorous vetting process. Making the disclosure at [...]
Rap2Rep Liberia changes name to Voice2Rep
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monrovia, February 1 2021 - Accountability Lab Liberia, a nonprofit institution that makes governance work for people, announced today that it has changed the name of its Rap2Rep [...]