The Lab bids farewell to Moussa Kondo

November 1, 2021


Washington DC, 1 November 2021 – Accountability Lab Mali is bidding farewell to Country Director, Moussa Kondo, who is moving on from his position after five years. In that time, Kondo has built Accountability Lab Mali into a prominent and impactful non-profit organization in Bamako, with a program scope that includes Integrity Icon Mali, an Accountability Incubator, and Civic Action teams working on peace, security and misinformation. Most recently, the team launched Connect 223, a dialogue program that brings together regional leaders and young people from some of the country’s most insecure regions to co-create solutions for peacebuilding and stability.  […]


Washington DC, 1 November 2021 – Accountability Lab Mali is bidding farewell to Country Director, Moussa Kondo, who is moving on from his position after five years. In that time, Kondo has built Accountability Lab Mali into a prominent and impactful non-profit organization in Bamako, with a program scope that includes Integrity Icon Mali, an Accountability Incubator, and Civic Action teams working on peace, security and misinformation. Most recently, the team launched Connect 223, a dialogue program that brings together regional leaders and young people from some of the country’s most insecure regions to co-create solutions for peacebuilding and stability. 

Accountability Lab Executive Director, Blair Glencorse, said Kondo’s contribution to the growth of AL in the region had been considerable. “Moussa started his career with us as a Project Manager in Liberia in 2016 as part of his US State Department YALI Fellowship, helping launch training programs and campaigns in Monrovia before successfully launching a Lab in Bamako later that year. He has grown the Malian team to include strong programs, operations and communications departments and is now a leading voice within global civil society around issues of accountability, governance and anti-corruption. We wish him incredible success as he leaves for new opportunities,” Glencorse said. 

“I’m grateful for the opportunity of steering the dedicated team we’ve built in Mali and have full confidence in their ability to successfully lead the work in the months and years ahead,” Kondo said. He joins transitional Malian President Assimi Goïta as an Advisor on Governance, Democracy and the Rule of Law.

An interim management committee comprising senior managers from AL Mali, with support from the AL network, will lead the team until a successor is appointed. 




For more information, contact:

[email protected]  

Communications Director – Accountability Lab                   

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