April 25, 2017

Two years ago the first of several devastating earthquakes hit Nepal, killing over 9,000 people and destroying almost a million homes. Today, exactly 2 years later, barely 5% of the destroyed houses have been rebuilt. Hundreds of thousands of people still struggle to get by in temporary housing, many without clean water or any public services. Since the day after the first earthquake, we’ve been running Citizen Helpdesks in the worst affected areas, deploying hundreds of community volunteers to monitor and improve the earthquake response and close the loop on accountability problems. And it’s working. To date we’ve reached over 70,000 people in […]
Two years ago the first of several devastating earthquakes hit Nepal, killing over 9,000 people and destroying almost a million homes.
Today, exactly 2 years later, barely 5% of the destroyed houses have been rebuilt. Hundreds of thousands of people still struggle to get by in temporary housing, many without clean water or any public services.
Since the day after the first earthquake, we’ve been running Citizen Helpdesks in the worst affected areas, deploying hundreds of community volunteers to monitor and improve the earthquake response and close the loop on accountability problems.
And it’s working. To date we’ve reached over 70,000 people in 800 villages, solving thousands of problems and improving countless lives. We are creating trust that provides the basis for recovery to work.
Our volunteers and staff have done everything from helping survivors get the compensation they’ve been promised, to lobbying government officials to fix problems, to providing critical information to coordinate donor relief efforts. Watch a short video below to learn more, and hear the words of Sunita, a survivor.
You can read more about ongoing reconstruction challenges in this Al Jazeera article by Nepal Country Representative, Narayan Adhikari.
But there is much further to go.We need your support now as much as ever to make sure the right people are receiving the support they need. Today you have a chance to maximize your impact! Contribute to our campaign here and all donations up to $1,000 will be matched 50% by GlobalGiving. Set up a recurring donation and your donation will receive an additional 50% match to make this important work even more sustainable.
Please give as soon as you can before the matching funds run out – and help us build back Nepal better.