
Tanatswa Mukwacha

Tanatswa Mukwacha is a student pursuing an undergraduate degree in Management Information Systems who is also passionate about social activism and technology innovations that advocate for social change. Through the incubator he is developing a project called Pachikuva, which is an online platform that encourages government accountability through improved access to information (Pachikuva is a Shona word meaning pulpit). The project encourages accountability on all donations or funds that were set aside as relief aid to the impact of Covid 19.

2021-02-09T12:47:51+00:009th February 2021|

Nompilo Jacqueline Nkomo

Nompilo Jacqueline Nkomo is a social and economic justice enthusiast and the Director at YIELD, an organization working to ensure young people are at the forefront of development processes. Based in Bulawayo, Nompilo's work focuses on mobilizing and engaging the youth to meaningfully participate in governance processes. Her incubator project is 21 Questions with Jacqui, a podcast that will raise questions about human rights, accountability and transparency including in Zimbabwe's Covid-19 response and recovery. Follow her on Twitter.

2021-02-11T13:41:17+00:009th February 2021|

Caroline Mutimbanyoka

Caroline Mutimbanyoka is a Harare-based human rights activist, feminist and Pan-Africanist educator who has sought to amplify the voices of women and girls throughout her career. Caroline is the founder of Sprout Women Empowerment Trust, a community based organization that has become a voice for the underprivileged women in peri-urban areas. Through Sprout, Caroline advocates for women's rights, service delivery and food justice so as to enhance the livelihoods of women in her community and plans to develop the initiative further through the incubator.

2021-02-09T12:47:51+00:009th February 2021|
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