
Lydia Matte

Lydia is a lawyer by profession and works as a Country Director for SEMA - a not-for-profit organization that aims to increase transparency and accountability of public service institutions by providing citizens with various platforms to give feedback that in turn improves public service delivery. Lydia is passionate about governance and creating change in her community. Her work involves making sure that SEMA's strategy, operating structures, partnerships and human capital structures are well aligned to effectively support the realization of SEMA's long term aspirations in Uganda.

2021-02-09T12:47:51+00:009th February 2021|

Martin Odongo

Martin is a 28-year-old, Pan-African from Uganda, who has worked in the social change movement since 2014, He is the founder of Generating Rural Opportunities for Women (GROW), a community-based microfinance organization operating in the impoverished rural Kumi District in North Eastern Uganda, promoting rural financial inclusion. He specializes in public policy analysis with particular focus on; rural development policy, urban planning and housing policy, technological policy and cyber security. Through the Budget Lab project for the Incubator, he aims to influence the government of Uganda to uphold the decision of domestic resource mobilization and utilization for equitable and sustainable [...]

2021-02-09T12:47:51+00:009th February 2021|

Nancy Ongom

Nancy is a Law Graduate (LLB) from Uganda Christian University-Mukono. She is very passionate about Human Rights and working against Sexual Gender Based Violence. She is currently an active member of National Youth Engagement Network (NYEN Uganda) and a global Youth leader on the Youth Compact Champions program for Young people in Humanitarian Action which is currently being coordinated by Restless Development, Action Aid, the UN Group for Children and Youth and UNFPA with support from other compact organizations. Her Incubator project involves actively volunteering to train young girls on how to make reusable sanitary pads with the aim of [...]

2021-02-09T12:47:51+00:009th February 2021|
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