Hanson Gonsia Blayon

Hanson Gonsia Blayon is a social entrepreneur, trainer, and organizer. He has received numerous leadership and social contribution awards in the past five years and is currently the Program Coordinator at the A.M. Kyne Collegiate Leadership and EntrepreneurialAcademy. Hanson is also an alumnus of the 2018 Young African Leaders Initiative, 2019 African Presidential Leadership Program and the 2022 Aspire Leaders Program. Hanson is energetic, ambitious, and development-oriented. His work ethic is geared toward fulfilment and achieving organizational goals and objectives. He plans to develop an entrepreneurial literacy program to help high school students create a professional, positive and entrepreneurial mindset against a backdrop [...]

2023-05-22T10:28:14+00:0018th May 2023|

Archie Forpoh

Archie is a Social Entrepreneur and STEM education advocate in Monrovia, Liberia. He is the founder of Innoignite and a Liberian ambassador for Transfer Multisort Elektronik. He is also a 2022 Falling Walls Engager, and was named one of the 2022 Top Ten Social Change Leaders in Africa by the African Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship Conference. Through the Accountability Incubator, he plans to build on the work of the ‘Code for Liberia Initiative’ which sets up computer technology infrastructure in schools and teaches students and teachers computer skills. He’d like to take a project-based approach and encourage students to utilize their [...]

2023-05-18T08:26:17+00:0018th May 2023|

Miatta Love Kamara

Miatta is a humanitarian and psycho-social counselor in Liberia. She is currently the CEO of Libx Records Foundation and a musical artist who uses music to reach out to young people vulnerable to drugs and alcohol, sensitizing them about related health and career risks. Miatta is a junior student at the African Methodist Episcopal University, studying management, accounting and sociology. Through the incubator, she plans to develop her agricultural project which produces cash crops to support at-risk youths roaming the streets. The project provides rehabilitation and reintegration programs, equipping participants with the tools to use sustainable growth projects to improve the lives of [...]

2023-05-18T08:23:31+00:0018th May 2023|

Ernest K. Browne

Ernest is a change agent and skilled developer in Liberia. He is currently the president of the Integrity Club at Stella Maris Polytechnic University in Liberia. He is an alumnus of the Hult Prize Campus Director program (2021). Through the incubator, Ernest plans to develop Asylum Inc., an initiative that tackles drug abuse and improper waste disposal. Ernest aims to work actively with other community members to influence regulations, reduce gender gaps, and enforce laws against drug abuse and public health in his community of Neyor’s town. Asylum Inc. will conduct research on the proliferation of narcotics and waste pollution. It [...]

2023-05-22T10:28:51+00:0018th May 2023|

Marjuin Deron Eddie

Marjuin Deron Eddie is a youth leader and Civil Rights Activist in Grand Bassa County.  She is a candidate for a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Sociology with an emphasis in Mass Communication (broadcast) from the University of Liberia. She aspires to earn a law degree in the next five years while at the same time practicing politics. Marjuin has an appreciable level of traveling and exposure across Africa for learning and training sessions; including Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Sierra Leone. In 2021, her biggest achievement was when she elected to serve as the youth president of the [...]

2022-04-14T09:31:16+00:0017th February 2022|

Marsin Tarpeh

Marsin Tarpeh is the founder of Molding Minds and Changing Attitude (MMCA), a not-for-profit youth institution with the primary focus of promoting quality education. MMCA has birthed branches in other countries including Somaliland, (MMCA Somaliland) and Zambia (MMCA Zambia). He was also appointed to serve as Country Director for an international group called Impact Youths Sustainability in the DRC. Marsin has about 10 years of experience working with disadvantaged youths and students through social cohesive programs. In 2020, he was awarded as the “Outstanding Youth Leader in Liberia”, by Youths Go Green Liberia (YUGNET) for his numerous voluntary contributions to [...]

2022-04-14T09:34:53+00:0017th February 2022|

John McCauley Jr.

John McCauley Jr. is an ICT and media professional and also the Founder and CEO of SATEC LIBERIA, the country's first entrepreneurial tech and media support hub. It provides technological support to entrepreneurs, innovators and institutions around Liberia. The hub also runs SATEC TV - an online platform which uses new media content for impact storytelling to increase citizens’ knowledge and understanding on pressing accountability issues including inclusion, youth employment and the rule of law. McCauley has eight years of experience in project design and management, administration, entrepreneurship, technology, community service and volunteerism. He is a Cambridge Intercontinental University certified [...]

2022-04-14T10:05:00+00:0017th February 2022|

Abraham Morris Weah

Abraham Morris Weah is the co-founder and the managing director of SYCADI, a youth organization working in the agriculture sector. The organization helps to promote education and community development and to improve the lives of hundreds of Liberian women and youngsters working in agriculture. He has eight years of experience in community development, education, and advocacy activities. Abraham has worked with many international and local NGOs and has also served as a classroom teacher for over 7 years. Abraham is currently a senor student at the University of Liberia, studying Physics and Mathematics. He also has two associate degrees in [...]

2022-04-14T10:22:01+00:0017th February 2022|

Abdullah O. Bility

Abdullah O. Bility is an award winning Liberian peace advocate with over five years of experience in civil society activism, advocacy, community mobilization and civil leadership. He is the Founder and Executive Director of the Peace Agents Network (PAN).  He has worked to promote peace-building, conflict prevention and education in the rural and urban parts of Liberia. Abdullah is a proud recipient of the Princess Diana Award in 2021 for his advocacy in peace-building, conflict prevention and change-making. He is also a recipient of the Peace First Mini Grant. Abdullah is a student of the United Methodist University and is [...]

2022-04-14T18:47:38+00:0017th February 2022|

Diamond George Kamu

Diamond George Kamu is a Liberian social entrepreneur and education consultant. He has participated in a number of fellowship opportunities including Crossroads Emerging Leaders 2021, 2020 Watson Institute, Young African Leaders Initiative and 2017 SMART Liberia. He also has experience working with youth in education. His Incubator project,  Young Empower and Successful - YES Liberia, he hopes to reduce the unemployment gap that exists among the youth in Liberia by providing them with access to opportunities, mentorship, career counselling and internship opportunities that can prepare them to start their own businesses as a way of reducing the rate of unemployment [...]

2021-05-10T14:24:05+00:0010th May 2021|
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