Tula Chepkemoi Rono

Tula Rono graduated from Maasai Mara University with a degree in Purchase and Supplies, after which she went on to study cake and pastry making and later event planning. Her enthusiasm has led her to establish two businesses: Tasty Artsy Cakes and Pastries and Plan it Events, as well as a community-based organization named Sprouted Hope. She founded Sprouted Hope after giving birth as a teen in high school and developing a mental health condition as a result of not being understood by her family and community. Sprouted Hope walks with teenagers and youths to help young mothers understand their [...]

2022-04-14T10:31:57+00:0017th February 2022|

Denis Leparteleg

I'm a proactive Tech-enthusiast with an interest in Software Development. Co- Founder Butterfly techies, a successful, renowned project consultant in the private sector, youth leader and a gender equality advocate specifically to women and girls from marginalized communities in Kenya.

2022-02-17T08:47:26+00:0017th February 2022|

Mariln Gloria Odongo

Marilyn Gloria Odongo is a passionate learner who believes in great systems that advocate for accountability and open governance. Having an economic outlook that is attributed by her studies and experience in various projects, she has seen an opportunity for Africa and especially Kenya to step out of the shadows of corruption and other ills that face her. She aims to build an engaging platform that will bring together leaders and the people towards embracing openness and accountability in all its projects. 

2022-02-17T08:44:46+00:0017th February 2022|

William Tolbert Nyabungu

Mr. William Tolbert is a Community Development practitioner and a consultant on Community Development Solution (CDS) with more than (15) years’ experience in Eastern and Horn of Africa. William has invaluable experience in designing and facilitating processes towards social change, development and transformation at community, organizational, national and regional levels.  His premise for work is embedded on the belief that communities need to be “learning societies”, constantly modifying to succeed in the ever changing environment within which they exist. This philosophy enables an approach that improves society towards dignified life and self- help development.  William is currently working as a [...]

2022-02-17T08:41:43+00:0017th February 2022|

Nicholas Songora Odoll

Nicholas Songora Odoll is a passionate community activist with several years' experience as a human rights defender with a background in development studies. He has been involved in the promotion of social change for better service delivery, accountability, peacebuilding, and conflict management in the coastal region of Kenya. He serves as a Coordinator Elect for the Civil Society Network in the region and is the founder and Director of Manyatta Youth Entertainment – an arts for social change project that gives young people a viable platform to openly discuss and address issues that affect them and their communities. He is [...]

2021-02-09T12:49:58+00:009th February 2021|

Job Wanyonyi Situma

Job Wanyonyi Situma is a community developer who's work is centred on governance and social accountability. He has worked for kwacha afrika as a project officer on health governance, budget analysis, public participation and budget expenditure tracking. His goal is to partner with relevant stakeholders to involve greater numbers of citizens in local government matters and plans to mobilize his community to participate and influence decision making on pressing development issues. His Incubator project is called ‘Vijana tujihusushe na pesa zetu' - an initiative to ensure youths have access to revolving funding opportunities from the government to ensure wider economic [...]

2021-02-09T12:49:53+00:009th February 2021|

Elizabeth Masika

Elizabeth Masika has more than eight years of experience working on a multitude of active citizenship projects. She was raised in a community where marriage is a priority (even at the age of 9) and where getting an education is considered lucky, rather than the norm. Coming from this community, Elizabeth's passion is to ensure that her neighbours and friends are aware of their potential, the impact they can have and of the rights that they hold. Elizabeth currently works for Greenlight Planet, working with solar lights to bring innovative business opportunities to communities. Her Incubator idea is to support [...]

2021-02-09T12:47:28+00:009th February 2021|

Jalim Mohamed Ibrahim

Jalim Mohamed Ibrahim has nine years of experience in social work and is also a co-founder and director for the Centre for Research and Governance. This organization is youth-led, focusing on research, governance, child protection, peace and security and life skills. Beyond social work, he is also a budget consultant and a life-skill trainer. His vision is to have an informed society that is guided by the rule of law, and able to better advocate for transparency and accountability. Jalim aims to create a platform for the community to raise their voices when it comes to matters of inadequate governance. [...]

2021-02-09T12:47:28+00:009th February 2021|

Linda Asena

Linda Asena is a Humanist who's goals have been influenced by the philosophical teachings of Confucius. Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals, she co-founded CIVIC 38, a Community Based Organization in one of Kenya's rural counties with the aim to dispense knowledge about Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, Gender Based Violence and how governance and policies affect the lives of women and girls in rural communities. She plans to expand on this work for her Incubator project, extending the safety and security net for women in her community through knowledge and skills building.

2021-02-09T12:47:28+00:009th February 2021|
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