
Nayyara Rahman

Nayyara Rahman is an award-winning author, researcher and Ethics At Work Advocate passionate about making workplaces more efficient, accountable and transparent. Her work in technology leadership focuses on better problem-solving, process improvement and efficiency, and business transparency—mainly achieved through technology internalization and making better use of data. Her interest areas are digital product development, brand management for technology products, data protection and technology ethics. As part of the incubator, she is planning to create a platform that holds the business and recruitment environment more accountable and promotes equal work for equal pay opportunities for deserving candidates. Follow her on LinkedIn.

2021-02-15T00:19:29+00:009th February 2021|

Luís Victor Intchama

Luís Victor Intchama is a sociologist. He graduated in Social Service at the faculty of Psychology where he did his postgraduate studies in Russia. He was a professor in the Social Work course at Guinea-Bissau's Lusophone University between 2015 to 2017. He currently teaches at the Catholic University of Guinea-Bissau as professor of Sociology course and he is a state official. He is also Director General of State Reform and Modernization in the Ministry of Public Service. Through the incubator, Luís is planning to eradicate social irresponsibility an initiative geared towards identifying solutions with the Guinean public administration.

2021-02-15T00:24:20+00:009th February 2021|

Mário João Mendonça

Mário João Mendonça is known in the world of music as a rap artist by the name MC Mario. His interest in Rap started in 1998, when he took refuge with his family in the neighboring Republic of Senegal due to the Military Political Conflict. In Senegal, he had the opportunity to meet some Senegalese Rappers, at the time he was only 11 years old. During the sixth gala organized by the Social Forum for the Projection of the Guinean Culture he was named best Rapper of the year. In 2017, he released the album entitled "Final Product" which featured [...]

2021-02-15T00:24:57+00:009th February 2021|

Oumar N’Diaye

Originaire la ville de Mopti au centre du Mali. Oumar fut bercé dans cette région natale cosmopolite par la culture et les arts africains notamment la danse traditionnelle. Lauréat de plusieurs concours de danse, en poursuivant ses études supérieures dans la capitale Oumar développe une passion pour les nouvelles technologies précisément le Design. Ainsi naissait l'idée de création d'un espace de liberté, un endroit où les africains pourraient partager leurs musiques, leur humour et leurs savoirs par la vidéo. En 2017 Oumar prend ses économies et commence le développement de l'application Vakosé. Une plateforme communautaire permettant de visionner et de [...]

2021-02-09T12:49:57+00:009th February 2021|

Quintino Fernando Dolé

Quintino Fernando Dolé is a coordinator and trainer of the Department of Associations, Volunteering and Monitoring of Associations that are part of the National Network of Youth Associations RENAJ (Rede Nacional das Associações Juvenis da Guiné Bissau) in the areas of strategic planning and associations. He worked as monitor in the presidential election in November 2019 for the Civil Society Election Group (GOSCE), and secretary for foreign affairs of the Evangelical Youth of Guinea-Bissau. He is also a Health Promoter for Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) in the campaign to fight COVID-19. For the incubator, he is conducting a [...]

2021-02-23T16:35:47+00:009th February 2021|

Djibo Almoustapha Boubacar

Administrateur Général de l'entreprise Fasam Terre Verte, Mr Boubacar Djibo est expert en Agroécologie et méthodes de production Bio-intensives. Dynamique et entreprenant, maitrisant les aspects de gestion, il a une propension pour le secteur agricole au point d'en faire un sujet de vie. Fasam Terre Verte travaille en étroitement avec les organisations paysannes du Niger en apportant son expertise dans la production, la valorisation des produits agricoles, la structuration des Organisations Paysannes et le développement des métiers verts au Niger. A travers son entreprise sociale, Mr. Boubacar Djibo mène le combat de faciliter l'information adéquate sur le droit à l'alimentation [...]

2021-02-09T12:49:52+00:009th February 2021|

Ibrahim Yaye Rakiatou

Ibrahim Yaye Rakiatou est communicatrice pour le développement de formation. Elle est également institutrice de jeunesse-animation des centres de jeunes. Elle est promotrice d'une ONG dénommée Jeunes Actifs pour le Développement (JAD). Sa mission est d'accompagner et encadrer les jeunes pour un changement radical de comportemental social sanitaire. Elle s'implique aussi dans la valorisation de nos langues nationales auprès des jeunes. Rakiatou est une jeune femme gentille, généreuse, sensible, avec beaucoup de Cœur. Elle déteste l'injustice, l'intolérance, la ségrégation et la violence sous toutes ses formes contre les humains et les animaux.

2021-02-09T12:49:53+00:009th February 2021|

Iannick Vieira

Iannick Vieira is a Health Sociologist. He completed his higher studies in the Democratic and People's Republic of Algeria in 2015. He holds a Master's degree in Health Sociology and currently works as a Researcher within the Center for Environmental Studies and Applied Technology at the National Institute of Studies and Research (INEP). He is a Journalism professor at AD - Ação para Desenvolvimento and at Instituto Profissão e Tecnologia (IPT). He is also a member of the Tadja Fomi COVID-19 Initiative within the Communication and Visibility Department. His incubator project Chave Inglesa, sarl is aimed at solving accessibility problems [...]

2021-02-15T00:29:02+00:009th February 2021|

Job Wanyonyi Situma

Job Wanyonyi Situma is a community developer who's work is centred on governance and social accountability. He has worked for kwacha afrika as a project officer on health governance, budget analysis, public participation and budget expenditure tracking. His goal is to partner with relevant stakeholders to involve greater numbers of citizens in local government matters and plans to mobilize his community to participate and influence decision making on pressing development issues. His Incubator project is called ‘Vijana tujihusushe na pesa zetu' - an initiative to ensure youths have access to revolving funding opportunities from the government to ensure wider economic [...]

2021-02-09T12:49:53+00:009th February 2021|

Diana Sididi

Diana Sididi est une jeune dame que rien ne freine dans le combat pour l'inclusion. Diplômée en journalisme et communication elle commence ses premiers pas dans la vie professionnelle en tant que journaliste reporté et présentatrice au sein d'une télévision locale. Ensuite se lance dans la communication comme Responsable communication à Voolinks, avant de devenir aujourd'hui consultante au sein d'une structure des Nations Unies. Vivant avec un handicap depuis le jeune âge, ancienne réfugiée avec toute sa famille pour leur appartenance ethnique Diana sait ce qu'est la stigmatisation et la discrimination. Et c'est de ce vécu qu'elle tire sa force [...]

2021-02-09T12:49:52+00:009th February 2021|
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