An Incubator for Reformers Working on Issues of Transparency and Accountability
Our Accountability Incubator supports strong and innovative ideas from young people for accountability, participation and open government. The Accountability Incubator is one of the Lab’s flagship program for young change makers to build sustainable, effective tools for change. It provides a non-prescriptive, yet supportive environment for creative, enterprising individuals who bring innovative ideas to inspire accountability in their communities.
Selected “accountapreneurs” receive a year of hands-on, comprehensive support including: training and knowledge-building, mentoring, network building, and media outreach support. Women, people with disabilities and other minority groups are encouraged to apply in particular.
Applications are currently closed for 2024.
Young Liberian activist Miatta Mulbah brought her small anti-rape NPO to our Accountability Incubator. We helped Miatta build Leemah into an organisation that successfully uses music and street theater to advocate against sexual harassment and abuse on behalf of girls in Montserrado and Margibi counties.
Tanzila Khan is a young Pakistani woman who founded innovative empowerment company Girlythings that advocates around period health and destigmatization.
Mujtaba Zaidi Hassan founded Discovering New Artists (DNA), a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education through arts to children in Pakistan. With the support of the Accountability Incubator, he pivoted the initiative to focus on ideas of civic engagement and responsibility within Pakistani society.

More than 300 accountapreneurs have passed through our incubators, with ideas ranging from integrity watch groups at primary schools; to building networks of music artists pushing for integrity; to tools using blockchain to secure elections.

Changes the accountapreneurs have created include: pushing for budgets to be allocated to schools more effectively (Pakistan); changes to policies implemented by mining companies (Liberia); and the resolution of hundreds of accountability problems for migrants (Nepal).
Context-Specific: Does the idea demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the community it will support?
Feasible: How likely is it that the idea proposed will be achieved over time? Creative: Is the idea for accountability truly innovative?
Sustainable: Does the candidate have a plan for how the project can continue over time? Is the idea designed to have a long-term impact?
Scalable: Will the idea create a model for accountability that could be expanded to other communities?
*The applicant/project/idea must not be grounded in or focused on a specific political agenda or party.