Democratic Republic of Congo

The past year has been a period of learning and exciting project achievements for Accountability Lab DRC. The team created and registered the local office and launched a pilot project around strengthening integrity in the DRC. The overall objective is to contribute to efforts to reduce corruption in the country by empowering civil society to support integrity through creative and positive campaigning, mobilising youth to oppose corruption and putting in place feedback loops on tax issues. Over the next few years, this series of activities will include:
Integrity Icon: We successfully completed our first edition of Integrity Icon RDC to “name and fame” the most honest public officials in South Kivu province. The five finalists included: Colonel David Ipanga, Commander of Regiment 2202 / FARD City of Baraka; Marie Mithila Ponga, Head of Gender, Family and Children in the Territory of Uvira; Hilaire Ngoie Mwepu, Judge President of the Court of Appeal of South Kivu; Munguakonkwa Gilbert, Minister of State at the HGR-Uvira; and Salumu Mikoso Didier, a dedicated Commissioner of the Bukavu Traffic Police.
Film Fellowship: supporting a new generation of anti-corruption activists by building the collective storytelling capacity of young people.
Civic Action Teams: addressing community issues of fiscal transparency to build trust between citizens and those in power.
Accountability Incubator: working with young change agents to build out community initiatives around fiscal transparency, civic oversight and the pandemic response and recovery.
Corrupt and exclusionary governance has left many Congolese feeling powerless to hold leaders and officials to account. But what our research is showing is that these bottom-up approaches can improve governance outcomes for citizens. The project will improve on efforts to bring people together to better understand and find solutions to social accountability challenges.
Plus de redevabilité pour bâtir un Mali meilleur
Par Zeina Mohamed Ali Récemment AL Mali Lab a organisé une journée de réflexion pour s’approprier la stratégie globale du Lab et dégager une feuille de route pour identifier ce [...]
Women changing the world through film
By Zeina Walet I am Zeinabou Walet Mohamed Ali, a young woman with a passion for women's empowerment and youth leadership, which I explore in the different communities I work [...]
Mali: Accountability Lab Country Director, Doussouba Konaté, honored following her visit to the Obama Foundation Democracy Forum
Accountability Lab Mali's Country Director, Ms. Doussouba Konaté, shared a panel with former US President Barack Obama on November 17, 2022 in Washington as part of the Obama Foundation's Democracy [...]