

Integrity Icon Niger is a national movement that happens on the ground, online and through the media. Its goal is to identify and celebrate honest public servants in public administration. Its goal is to generate a constructive conversation about integrity and accountability and to build a network of public servants who can fight for accountability. The Integrity Icon Project brings integrity to the forefront of the public to enable citizens to question the status quo and support changes in behaviour that can improve people’s lives.

The team is also involved in youth training and workshops with young civil servants.

The Accountability Incubator is our flagship program for young civil society leaders to build sustainable, effective tools for accountability, participation and open government. The Incubator provides a non-prescriptive, supportive environment for creative, enterprising individuals with innovative ideas to inspire accountability in their communities. Selected “accountapreneurs” receive 12 months of hands-on, comprehensive support including: training and knowledge-building, mentoring, network building, media outreach and storytelling support.

The Civic Action Teams (CivActs) are a pioneering citizen feedback, dialogue and community voice platform to ensure accountability in the development process. CivActs have now collected critical information from communities across Niger solving daily problems for citizens and closing the loop on challenges such as the spread of misinformation and the rise of violence during election cycles.



President Biden is Hosting a Summit of African Leaders – Governance in the Sahel Must Be a Priority

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By Doussouba Konaté BAMAKO, Nov 11 2022 (IPS) - The upcoming Africa Leaders’ Summit– slated to take place in Washington, DC in December- is well-timed. The Biden administration has made a welcome [...]

Five Things We’re Doing To Fight Back Against Closing Civic Space In West Africa

Categories: Home Blog, Impact & Learning, Press, Thought Leadership|Tags: , , , , , , , |

By Kibo Ngowi West Africa is a rich and diverse part of the world-spanning 16 countries and boasting an estimated population of close to 400 million people. Accountability Lab has [...]

Contribution du Accountability Lab Niger à la lutte contre la corruption au Niger

Categories: Home Blog, Integrity Icon, Press|Tags: , , |

En ce 21e siècle, l’humanité fait face à beaucoup de défis colossaux qui sont devenus chroniques et structurels. Parmi ceuxci on peut citer la corruption qui est le principal obstacle [...]

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